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So it is almost unthinkable that man should not have been subject to fatal disturbances of this organ from the very earliest times. On the post-mortem table, the appendix of the lowest savage is the same useless, shriveled, and inflammable worm as that of the most highly civilized Aryan, though perhaps an inch or so longer.

To open a letter from a friend, expecting to find the ordinary chit-chat, and to receive a blow that shatters one's life! My dear, it's unthinkable! You cannot seriously intend it." "You think it would be better if I told, her?" Claire asked anxiously. "I wondered myself, but naturally I dreaded it, and I thought she might prefer to get over the first shock alone.

The words and more the manner of Jack Romayne had produced a deep sense in their minds of the danger of a European conflagration, and the ominous words of the young German spoken as from intimate knowledge only served to deepen the impression made by Romayne. But the feeling was transitory, and speedily the possibility of war was dismissed as unthinkable.

She wants her house to herself, and the stranger out of her house. "Separation is unthinkable," say English Ministers. The task of Ireland is to-day what it always has been to get the stranger out of the house. It is no shame to Ireland or her sons, that up to this they have failed in each attempt.

In the first answer he refuses to reveal himself because he does not think he can command belief in himself; in his second answer he either blames them for saying he was the Son of God, or quotes their own testimony to prove that he is the Son of God. But if they believed he was God, would they try to kill him? Is it not unthinkable?

This, he says, assumes the idea of self-existence, which is unthinkable. The second theory he makes equivalent to Pantheism.

How it keeps coming closer and closer and now it's almost here! Isn't it unthinkable? And what can we do to stop it, we poor few who feel that we must stop it?" "Well " Ramsey began uncomfortably. "Of course I I " "You can't do much," she said. "I know. None of us can. What can any little group do? There are so few of us among the undergraduates and only one in the whole faculty.

It was with these considerations that his present attention was charged they perfectly availed to make what he saw portentous. He couldn't, by any lapse, have blocked that aperture; and if he hadn't, if it was unthinkable, why what else was clear but that there had been another agent?

Thirlwell must think her a fool, or perhaps that she was willing to be deceived. Getting calmer, she admitted that his object was good. He wanted to help, but it was unthinkable that she should trade upon his generosity. She resolved to talk to him about it, but he had gone into the bush to look for the best line across the neck between them and another lake.

The very name of the Bureau stood for a thing in the South which for two centuries and better men had refused even to argue, that life amid free Negroes was simply unthinkable, the maddest of experiments.