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Martin's, Canterbury; and faint traces at Britford, Headbourne, Worthing, and St. Nicholas, Ipswich, and some painted consecration crosses are believed to belong to this period. Recent investigations have revealed much Saxon work in our churches, the existence of which had before been unsuspected. Many circumstances have combined to obliterate it.

Still capable, even, of being surprised. And all this is often the case, all unsuspected by the Marcias until the Marcias are, themselves, suddenly sixty. When it is too late to say to the Hannah Winters, "Now I understand." We know that Hannah Winter had been married in wine-coloured silk, very stiff and grand.

The strange intoxicating force of feeling, set in motion by sorrow and pity, and the unsuspected influence of his love, was sweeping them out into deep waters. She could hardly breathe, but as he watched her all the manhood in him rose, and from the midst of grief put forward an imperious claim to the beloved and beautiful woman before him.

Bucher's phrase, the period of "la haine" after the famous Saverne incident in 1912. That extraordinary display of German military insolence seemed to let loose unsuspected forces. "All of a sudden, and from all sides, there was an explosion of fury against the Germans."

THE murder of Stolypin, though unsuspected by the chancelleries of Europe, was, as I have explained, the work of the Hidden Hand of Germany.

When they were partially dried and rested, said Pierre: "Now, fetch on your beans. While they're cooking, we'll take account of what is left." Adrian brought the bag, refraining from any questions this time. He was wondering and watchful. Pierre's misadventures were developing unsuspected resources and the spirits of both lads rose again to the normal.

The dream broke, and in an instant Justin was a man worse than that, he was an eavesdropper, ashamed of his unsuspected presence. He felt himself standing, with covered head and feet shod, in the holy temple of a woman's heart. But his involuntary irreverence brought abundant grace with it.

It is the strangest and yet the fittest thing in the jumble of human vicissitudes, that he, out of so many millions, unlooked for, unselected by any intelligible process that could be based upon his genuine qualities, unknown to those who chose him, and unsuspected of what endowments may adapt him for his tremendous responsibility, should have found the way open for him to fling his lank personality into the chair of state, where, I presume, it was his first impulse to throw his legs on the council-table, and tell the Cabinet Ministers a story.

I was trembling under her touch trembling, my every nerve a-quiver and my breath shortened and suddenly there flashed through my mind a line of Dante's in the story of Paolo and Francesca: "Quel giorno piu non vi leggemo avanti." Giuliana's words: "Let us read no more to-day" had seemed an echo of that line, and the echo made me of a sudden conscious of an unsuspected parallel.

Columbus tried to find a way to the island of Kathay and stumbled upon a new and unsuspected continent. An Austrian bishop equipped an expedition which was to travel eastward and find the home of the Grand Duke of Muscovy, a voyage which led to complete failure, for Moscow was not visited by western men until a generation later.