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He paused only long enough to draw on his hunting breeches and thrust his bare feet into their tramping boots which left a hiatus of unstockinged muscular calf hurriedly dropped down the ladder, and in two strides was out of doors. Near the wood pile stood the old mountaineer, on his countenance expression of mingled pain and chagrin, the latter dominating.

In somewhat striking contrast to all this finery were the clumsily accoutred feet, and stout, ill-shaped, brown, unstockinged legs, which the shortness of her Majesty's petticoats, proportioned originally to the stature of a European belle, displayed to a rather unsightly extent.

As a consequence, his unstockinged toes showed through his gaping shoes; the dingy suit of prison stripes which covered his gaunt frame was frayed and tattered; his hair had not been recently cut to the prison fashion, and, being rebellious, stood out upon his head like bristles; and his beard, which, like his hair, was heavily dashed with gray, had not been shaved for weeks.

He found her in a white cymar of silk lined with furs, her little feet unstockinged and hastily thrust into slippers; her unbraided hair escaping from under her midnight coif, with little array but her own loveliness, rather augmented than diminished by the grief which she felt at the approaching moment of separation.

She started up tore off her cap and her night-dress, and thrust her unstockinged feet in a pair of slippers that stood near the bed. Several dresses hung in the room. With her eager and burning hands she took them down, cast all but one on the floor, and put that on, laughing low and dismally all the while. A bandbox stood at the foot of the bed.