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"Nay, on the contrary, for I draw my sword," said Buckingham, unsheathing it as he spoke; "for if M. d'Artagnan injured your father, he rendered, or at least did all that he could to render, a great service to mine." De Wardes was thunderstruck. "M. d'Artagnan," continued Buckingham, "is the bravest gentleman I know.

Unsheathing the weapon, the hunter felt its edge with his thumb, and a slight smile played on his features as he said "I have good news for the soft one to-day." The soft one looked, but did not say, "Indeed, what is it?" "Yes," continued the youth, sheathing the sabre; "the man with the kind heart and the snowy pinion has come back to the mountains.

He had his gentle interpretation of her sorrow, and motioned to her, once more, to close her eyes, and pointed up at the skies, where Orion was unsheathing his glittering blade above the eastern mountains a warning that the night was well-nigh spent and a chill day of early December on the way.

On unsheathing his sword Guise said to Coligny: "We are about to decide the old feud of our two houses, and to see what a difference there is between the blood of Guise and that of Coligny." Coligny's only reply was to deal his adversary a long lunge; but, weak as he was, his rearward foot failed him, and he sank upon his knee.

Unsheathing his hunting-knife, and selecting a sound white-birch tree, Herb carefully removed from it a piece of bark about eighteen inches in length and six in width. This he carefully trimmed, and rolled into a horn as a child would twist paper into a cornucopia package for sweets, tying it with the twine-like roots of the ground juniper.

I half drew the blade, thinking how it had flashed from its scabbard, startling England and dazzling Scotland at its first unsheathing, and in what inglorious gloom of prostrate fortunes it had rusted away at last, the scorn of those who had opposed, and the despair of those who had embraced, its cause.

But scarce had he donned chausses and gambeson than he heard an outcry and sudden clamour within the green; whereupon, staying not for his armour, he caught up his sword and, unsheathing it as he ran, plunged in among the trees and there espied Sir Fidelis stoutly withstanding three foul knaves unwashed and ragged.

'Let them bury me after the fashion of my people, Macumazahn, and set my eyes towards Zululand; and he took my hand and shook it, and then turned to face the advancing foe. Just then, to my astonishment, the Zu-Vendi officer Kara clambered over our improvised wall in his quiet, determined sort of way, and took his stand by the Zulu, unsheathing his sword as he did so.

Human nature is not so very different in high and low; and what may lead an irresponsible dago into unsheathing his knife against his fellow may work a like effect upon his high-bred brother if circumstances lend their aid to make discovery appear impossible. "Mr. Roberts is the friend of many a good man who would swear to his integrity with a clear conscience.

It was the blind fury of insurrection, the brute, many-tongued, red-eyed, bellowing for guidance, baring its teeth, unsheathing its claws, imposing its will with the abrupt, resistless pressure of the relaxed piston, inexorable, knowing no pity. "No, no," implored Annie Derrick. "No, Magnus, don't sign." "He must," declared Harran, shouting in her ear to make himself heard, "he must.