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In doing this way we will avoid the Indians and will not have to guard against them in the night, for the Indians invariably camp near the water." We made a long ride that day and picked a nice place to camp that night. As soon as we had unsaddled and unpacked our horses, I said, "Jim, I will stake the horses if you will make a fire."

Too lazy to go out and find anything for themselves all they know is to follow some poor guy like me and rob him of what he finds. What's the news from down below?" "Oh, nothing," answered Billy, and stood watching him doubtfully as he unsaddled and turned out his gaunted mules.

The sweaty horses were unsaddled and picketed short, to graze; coffee was set upon small fires, to boil; sentries had been posted, and the other men were permitted to stretch out, in the shade. Everything seemed very peaceful, but ! At any rate, they all might talk and laugh and sip their coffee and doze, and believe that they had outwitted the Sioux.

"Say, I want to shake with you!" said a big puncher, rising and sticking out a strong, hairy hand. Pete's face expressed surprise. "Why sure!" he stammered, not realizing that his smiling reference to the pup had won him a friend. "He's sure a hard-boiled kid," said one of the men as Pete unsaddled and led Rowdy to the corral. "Did you catch his eye?

Cheer after cheer rent the air as they passed, intermingled now and then with a murmur of pity, suggested by the sight of a riderless horse. Scott-Turner was the recipient of a special salvo, which nearly unsaddled him again; and the other officers were bored to death bowing their acknowledgments along the route.

"The mountain and the trees will shelter us from most of the big winds, and if any of the trees should blow down their falling bodies would not reach us here in the center of the open space. There is grass everywhere for the horses, and water, both lake and running, for all of us." They unsaddled the riding horses, took the packs off the others and turned them loose.

The buildings and corrals lay dark and silent against the moonlight that made of the plain a sea of mist. The two men unsaddled their horses and turned them loose in the wire-fenced "pasture," the necessary noises of their movements sounding sharp and clear against the velvet hush of the night.

It was time for lunch when they at length arrived at the well-remembered bend on the creek. The horses were unsaddled and hobbled, and then turned out to wander at their own sweet will the shortness of the hobbles a guarantee that they would not stray very far; and the three wanderers sat on the bank of the creek, very ready for the luncheon Mrs.

I've no time to lose." He led her to the door. "John, it's Bo that's gone," he called. "Since yesterday.... Send the boy to get me a bag of meat an' bread. You run to the corral an' get me a fresh horse. My old horse Ranger if you can find him quick. An' rustle." Without a word John leaped bareback on one of the horses he had just unsaddled and spurred him across the courtyard.

He would never forget. She had told herself that he should have reason to remember her. After he had gone she stood gazing across the starlit mesa. She heard Lorry whistling cheerily as he unsaddled his pony. A falling star flamed and faded across the night. In the Pines Alice Weston pleaded headache next morning. She did not get up until noon.