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This force threatened a descent, if unrestrained, on the blue-grass region of Kentucky, including the cities of Lexington, and Frankfort, the capital of the State; and if successful in its primary movements, as it would gather head as it advanced, might endanger the safety of Cincinnati.

The vocabulary of laudatory adjectives gleaned in many years' experience in the obituary department of an eastern newspaper were ejected like volcanic matter, red hot and unrestrained, running over and around the name of Symes to harden into sentences of which "a magnificent specimen of manhood, a physical and intellectual giant, gallantly snatching from our midst the fairest flower that ever bloomed upon a desert waste," only moderately illustrates the editor's gift of language.

The chairs were taken by all the lesser fry, by stout mothers, dragons attendant on dark-eyed girls, and their lovers in broad hats, in all the gala array of the flamenco. There was a joyous clamour of speech and laughter; the voices of Spanish women are harsh and unrestrained; the park sparkled with colour, and the sun caught the fluttering of countless fans.

At Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and intervening cities the party was received with all possible demonstrations of regard. Processions moved through crowded streets; artillery thundered salutes; banquet followed banquet; the enthusiasm of the masses was unrestrained.

But not much emotion was displayed until the boat began to move off, when the tears fell freely, and they continued to fall faster and faster, and the sobs to come thicker and thicker, until, as the faces of friends began to fade on the wharf, both men and women burst out into a loud, unrestrained bawl.

If preserves for the country, in the conduct of its railroads, the inestimable advantage of private initiative, efficiency, resourcefulness and financial responsibility, while at the same time through governmental regulation and supervision it emphasizes the semi-public character and duties of railroads, protects the community's rights and just claims and guards against those evils and excesses of unrestrained individualism which experience has indicated.

This sober declaration, uttered in a high key, with certain jerks of the arms and twists of the down-east features, which Seth could use with the drollest effect, excited unrestrained mirth among the men, and made the officer's sword-belts shake not a little with the suppressed merriment inside. "What do you mean by his claiming you?" asked the captain.

The heart of Earl Douglas leaped with satisfaction and gratification. "A lucky thing that Jane has no suspicion of our presence," thought he "otherwise she would have been less unrestrained and ardent, and the king's ear would have imbibed less poison." Lady Jane thought not at all of her father; she scarcely remembered that this very night would destroy her hated rival the queen.

The unrestrained joy and vivacity of the day emphasised the gloom that rilled the first of the two funeral carriages. Mavis stared with dull surprise at the rollicking gaiety of the afternoon: its callousness to her anguish irked her. It made her think how unnecessary and altogether bootless was the loss she had sustained.

Let His love be a “storehouse of treasure for their souls,” on the day whenevery pillar shall tremble, when the very skins of men shall creep, when all eyes shall stare up with terror.” Let theirsouls be aglow with the flame of the undying Fire that burneth in the midmost heart of the world, in such wise that the waters of the universe shall be powerless to cool down its ardor.” Let them beunrestrained as the windwhichneither the sight of desolation nor the evidences of prosperity can either pain or please.” Let themunloose their tongues and proclaim unceasingly His Cause.” Let themproclaim that which the Most Great Spirit will inspire them to utter in the service of the Cause of their Lord.” Let thembeware lest they contend with anyone, nay strive to make him aware of the truth with kindly manner and most convincing exhortation.” Let themwholly for the sake of God proclaim His Message, and with that same spirit accept whatever response their words may evoke in their hearers.” Let them not, for one moment, forget that theFaithful Spirit shall strengthen them through its power,” and that “a company of His chosen angels shall go forth with them, as bidden by Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise.” Let them ever bear in mindhow great is the blessedness that awaiteth them that have attained the honor of serving the Almighty,” and remember thatsuch a service is indeed the prince of all goodly deeds, and the ornament of every goodly act.”