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The stream hugged the east wall of the cañon, where it had carved out a tortuous bed perhaps one hundred and fifty yards wide, and so deep below the bench we occupied that only the tops of tall cottonwoods were visible from the thicket. While the rest of us were busy unsaddling and unpacking, Thornton slung all our canteens over his shoulder, and started for the stream.

Across the hall was a region with which I was not yet acquainted, though I knew it contained the dining-room, the bath-rooms, the cabin proper, which was in truth a spacious living-room, the captain's quarters, and, undoubtedly, Miss West's quarters. I could hear her humming some air as she bustled about with her unpacking.

At that time Johannesburg itself had not been protected by earthworks, and the unpacking of the Maxims and rifles had only just been completed. Throughout Tuesday night and Wednesday earthworks were being thrown up, and every effort was being directed towards placing the town in a state of defence. With the best will in the world it would have been quite impossible to render any assistance to Dr.

Recollection of what she saw in the drawing-room is burned into Mavis's memory and will remain there till her last moment of consciousness. Montague Devitt, in evening dress, was lolling before the fireplace. His wife and her sister were busily engaged in unpacking showy articles from boxes, which Mavis divined to be wedding gifts. Victoria Devitt, sumptuously dressed, was seated on a low chair.

"Ein Packet... a-a-ach," wailed Ulrica, rising, her hands trembling, her great eyes radiant. Fraulein sent her off with Solomon to superintend the signing and payments and give help with the unpacking. "The little heiress," she said devoutly, with her wide smile as she returned from the door. "Oh..." said Miriam politely.

He thought of Nicky and of Nicky's pleasure and excitement over the unpacking of his first lathe the one he had begged for for his birthday and of his own pleasure and excitement as he watched his boy handling it and showing him so cleverly how it worked. It stood there still in the corner. Nicky had given it to Veronica. He had taught her how to use it.

I want to give you the things every girl needs to round out her life a home and love and shelter." Shelter! Slade's words recurred to her: "A soft front lawn to range in." "This is what I need," she said and waved an arm in a comprehensive sweep. Two hands, recently arrived, were unpacking before the bunk house. A third was shoeing a horse near the blacksmith shop.

After a curious glance at this scene, Ishmael went to work at unpacking the boxes. He found his task much easier than he had expected to find it. Each box contained one particular set of books. On the top of one of the boxes he found a large strong blank folio, entitled "Library Catalogue."

Sister Soulsby stole a swift glance at the unsuspecting face of her companion which was not all admiration, but her voice remained patiently affectionate. "Oh, that'll all come back to you, right enough. You'll have your hands full, you know, finding a house, and unpacking all your old furniture, and buying new things, and getting your home settled.

"No," she answered, softening a little; "but I'm not sorry to see you safe again. I would turn back with you, but I like to do the marketing myself, for the servants will buy any thing. Martin, a whole cartload of our furniture is come in. You will find the invoice inside my davenport. We must go down this afternoon and superintend the unpacking."