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Most climbers underestimate the time required to make a chosen trip, and, starting out with the day before them, ascend at their leisure, making frequent and unnecessarily long stops to rest, drinking in the beauty of the prospect from each rise attained, forgetting to allow themselves sufficient time for the even more difficult descent.

But you have been so friendly that I will give you a message for the countess if you have no objection to deliver it. I should be sorry to trouble you unnecessarily and you perhaps will not have an opportunity of seeing her for some days?" He colored slightly and moved uneasily. Then with a kind of effort, he replied: "On the contrary, I am going to see her this very evening.

God forbid that I should unnecessarily wound you, Mr. Harrington, but I think it right for you to know." The dark face, shaded with the long beard, was very white now, and the sightless eyes had in them a look of terror as Richard asked, "What is it, Victor? Tell me."

He jumped into the air with drooping head, and let himself fall heavily, all the time uttering short, shrill bursts of laughter. Lasse spoke to him angrily, thinking it was unnecessarily foolish behavior on his part; and then he picked him up and held him firmly in his hands, while the little fellow trembled all over his body in his efforts to free himself and go on with his jumping.

Come, come, we will manage everything smoothly by and by. Do not leave one another now, unnecessarily, when you have been together all your lives." There was a shout of delight from both, and clasped in each other's arms, never to part again, they thanked God sincerely for His goodness to them, so far. "The dear child, sir, I'd have died without her." Nanette sobbed through the tears of joy.

Stringent instructions had been issued from Nazareth that no bishop was to expose himself unnecessarily; each was to regard himself as the heart of his diocese to be protected at all costs save that of Christian honour, and in consequence each had surrounded himself with a group of the new Religious men and women who with extraordinary and generous obedience undertook such dangerous tasks as they were capable of performing.

"I guess you'll have to let the matter go Hoffman is well connected and a nice young fellow." Yes, she had to let the matter go on. She was unnecessarily sharp with Margaret and pretended not to see; she was extremely ceremonious with the young man at first. She didn't mean to have him coming to tea on Sunday evenings, a fashion that still lingered.

She spoke sharply and in an unnecessarily high tone so that the patient could not fail to hear. Apparently he took in the very broad hint contained in the concluding sentence, for he trudged wearily and unsteadily up and down the room for some time without speaking, though he continued to look at me from time to time as if something in my appearance puzzled him exceedingly.

And it cannot either be denied that there have been mistakes that have unnecessarily roused opposition. For instance, in the so-called Stadtholder question, in the sixties, Sweden's policy was undoubtedly too harsh.

That was the argument which he used in his own mind. But he as often told himself that she would have very great ground of complaint if she were left for a day unnecessarily in doubt as to this matter. Why had he rashly spoken those hasty words to her in his love, betraying himself into all manner of scrapes, as a schoolboy might do, or such a one as Johnny Eames?