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This left me unmoved, for I was concerned for the past, and no peering of hypnotized boys into mirrors and ink-pools would help me to that. But I recognized Grish Chunder's point of view and sympathized with it. "What a big black brute that was!" said Charlie, when I returned to him. "Well, look here, I've just done a poem; did it instead of playing dominoes after lunch. May I read it?"

"Yes. Have you detected the criminal?" Kent put the question with unmoved countenance, but with inward foreboding; the detective's mysterious manner was puzzling. "Not yet, but I will," Ferguson hesitated. "The first thing was to establish that a crime had really been committed." Kent bent down and sniffed again at the handkerchief to which a faint fruity aroma still clung.

Still the same title: Chinoiseries, and an M. for signature. "Aha!" said the public man, as unmoved and cold as marble, with a fine, scornful smile. Mora's lesson was still ringing in his ears, and even if he had forgotten it, the air from Norma in jerky, ironical little notes not far away would have sufficed to remind him of it.

But that is a hard lot in the centre." And so he looked down our line with an unmoved face, and turned his horse and rode slowly back to his own men. Olaf came back to us with a confident look enough. "There is a man worth fighting," he said to me; "he is foster brother of Thorkel the High, who leads young Cnut, and he seems an honest warrior enough."

Passaconaway, who had hitherto been an unmoved spectator of the scene, relaxed the Indian gravity of his features, and murmured, in an undertone, "Good, good." "Will my brother go?" he inquired, touching Martin's shoulder; "my squaws have fine mat, big wigwam, soft samp, for his young woman." "Mary," said Martin, "the sachem is impatient; and we must needs go with him."

He, standing unmoved behind the Judge’s chair, in his apparitor’s voice recited his notification until he had reached the very end; then he abandoned the empty battlefield, where remained corpses, wounded, and ruins.

But in his handsome, unmoved face I read my fate and death-warrant; and with every breath I cursed my folly and my cowardice in coming to him at all.

It is night. Calm and unmoved amidst the scenes that darkness favours, the great heart of London throbs in its Giant breast. Wealth and beggary, vice and virtue, guilt and innocence, repletion and the direst hunger, all treading on each other and crowding together, are gathered round it.

Danny Randall alone of all those in the room held his position unmoved. At last a clear way offered, so I went over to him. "What's happened?" I shouted at him through the din. Danny shrugged his shoulders. "They killed Carhart and Malone," Danny replied curtly. It seemed, I ascertained at last, that the three had advanced and opened fire on the two ex-prisoners without warning.

Don't you know your mother any more?" As always before Toni pressed against the wall, made no motion and stared before him. In tender tones the mother continued mournfully: "Oh, Toneli, say just a single word! Only look at me once! Toneli, don't you hear me?" Toneli remained unmoved. Still once again the mother looked at him full of tenderness, but only met his staring eyes.