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"Who said that?" demanded Nat, promptly scrambling to his feet. "Before we know it," repeated Ned, with special emphasis on the "before." "However do you bear with them, Doro dear?" asked Mrs. White. "They seem to grow more unmanageable every day." Then Dorothy, making herself heard above the argument, said: "Boys, if we are going to meet Tavia "

Here is a letter from Barton by the second post" he named an old friend of his own, and a Cabinet Minister of the day. "Look at it. You will see he says they can't possibly carry on beyond January. Half their men are becoming unmanageable, and S 's bill, to which they are committed, will certainly dish them. Parliament will meet in January, and he thinks an amendment to the Address will finish it.

We looked about aboard and around us, on either side where the wreck of the foremast was still hanging on to the channels, but no voice replied not a glimpse of them could be seen. We four were left alone on that stormy ice-surrounded sea, with a shattered, almost unmanageable ship. We did not fear. Our captain was a host in himself.

Fowler remarked sympathetically: "You'll never be able to break his will, Gabriella. He is unmanageable." "I don't want to break his will, mamma," replied Gabriella, for she belonged to a less Scriptural generation, "but he must be disciplined, if it kills me." Pale, gentle, resolute, she waited for Archibald to surrender.

He saw well enough that Helen Darley would certainly kill herself or lose her wits, if he could not lighten her labors and lift off a large part of her weight of cares. The worst of it was, that she of those women who naturally overwork themselves, like those horses who will go at the top of their pace until they drop. Such women are dreadfully unmanageable.

These official documents did not tend to soothe the temper or raise the spirits of the French to endure their captivity. In addition to the misery of his own captivity, Napoleon had to contend with the unmanageable humours of his own followers.

Once again, so it is said, something or other gave way some screw, or cock, or lever failed to act. The boat became unmanageable, could not be stopped, or slowed, or done anything with. In short, she ran away. But Pirate Tom was not to be imposed on by any such feeble tricks. He immediately steered the Lily slap into the nearest bank and tied her up to a tree.

Besides his favourite subjects, such as 'The Family Jollification, 'The Feast of the Bean King, 'Game of Skittles, he has pictures in a slightly higher atmosphere, such as 'A Pastor Visiting a Young Girl, 'The Parrot, 'Schoolmaster with Unmanageable Boys, 'The Pursuit of Alchemy. Among the latter a good example is 'The Music Master' in the National Gallery.

The roar of battle was so tremendous that his horse, maddened with the din and the sharp whiz of the bullets, at times was well-nigh unmanageable, and occupied his attention almost to the exclusion of other thoughts; especially after it had been struck by a bullet in the hind quarters, and had come to understand that those strange and maddening noises meant danger.

All of them proved slow and unmanageable ships; and Sir Edward, who had satisfied himself of the cause of the failure, applied to the Navy Board for permission to alter the Indefatigable.