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If this love of a living complexity be our test, it is certainly healthier to have the Trinitarian religion than the Unitarian. It is indeed a fathomless mystery of theology, and even if I were theologian enough to deal with it directly, it would not be relevant to do so here.

And at the last, though undoubtedly the majority of the Church at that time was Unitarian, as I told you the other day it was the decisive influence of the Emperor Constantine which settled the controversy.

Lamb was at first a Unitarian, but afterwards dropped away from all sects. Brother, or sister, I never had any to know them. Lamb is writing strictly as the imagined Elia, Elia being Lamb in mind rather than Lamb in fact. It amused him to present his brother John and his sister Mary as his cousins James and Bridget Elia.

Unitarianism has been taught there at least seventy years in a chapel on which the Unitarians have expended large sums. Go to Leeds. Four thousand pounds have been subscribed for the repairing of the Unitarian chapel there, the chapel where, near eighty years ago, Priestly, the great Doctor of the sect, officiated. But these four thousand pounds are lying idle.

They really seem to cast aside their usual intolerance in his case, and to look upon a Unitarian with feelings of Christian fellowship. God grant that this spirit may continue! Is American literature rich in native biography? Just have the goodness to mention to me any lives of Americans, whether illustrious or not, that are graphic, minute, and outspoken.

It was mainly out of consideration for Langworth, and desire to please him, that I now joined the Unitarian Church, of which all the old settlers of Laurel were members.

Their faith, in its varied shades, was Unitarian, but their art was Puritan. So far as it was imperfect and great and beautiful as it was, I think it had its imperfections it was marred by the intense ethicism that pervaded the New England mind for two hundred years, and that still characterizes it.

Owen was a Unitarian, with a Quaker bias. Any clergyman was welcome to come to New Lanark it was a free platform. A few preachers accepted the invitation, with the intent to convert Robert Owen to their particular cause. New Lanark was pointed out all over England as a godless town.

"The gentleman, I suppose, is a sort of ecclesiastic," she said to Mr. Wentworth, lowering her voice a little. "He is a minister," answered Mr. Wentworth. "A Protestant?" asked Eugenia. "I am a Unitarian, madam," replied Mr. Brand, impressively. "Ah, I see," said Eugenia. "Something new." She had never heard of this form of worship. Mr. Acton began to laugh, and Gertrude looked anxiously at Mr.

This stratum was not to be found in R , which rejoiced instead in the most squalid types of poverty and crime, types wherewith the mild shrivelled Unitarian minister had about as much power of grappling as a Poet Laureate with a Trafalgar Square Socialist. Soon after the erection of the chapel, there arose that shaking of the dry bones of religious England which we call the Tractarian movement.