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That is, for a new polarized connection with other beings, other men. Is this new craving for polarized communion with others, this craving for a new unison, is it sexual, like the original craving for the woman? Not at all. The whole polarity is different. Now, the positive poles are the poles of the breast and shoulders and throat, the poles of activity and full consciousness.

And furthermore, it was well known that among the skating parties Frank and Alec were generally found skating with these same two young ladies. Their explanations were that their skates seemed to glide more in unison with each other, and in fact that there was a sort of affinity between them.

He clicked his teeth, he gritted them he would have enjoyed sinking them into his partner's throat, as a matter of fact then he growled, "Let her whiz!" In unison the men resumed their interrupted labors; slowly, rhythmically, their arms moved up and down, monotonously their aching backs bent and straightened, inch by inch the saw blade ate along the penciled line.

One would stand on his boat landing and wave a strip of white cotton into a lot of grotesque figures, and far off on another island some other boy would reply with similar figures, and after much "talking," the various boys would act with perfect understanding, either meeting out on the lake, in the boats, or going swimming, or building camp fires it did not matter much what they decided upon, but after these signals they all worked in unison.

At his announcement, a great hubbub arose on all sides. "Tubbs! is he a baseball pitcher?" "I didn't know he knew a thing about baseball." "That dude launching a fadeaway? That gets me!" "Where did he learn to pitch?" "Who put him on the team?" "Say, Tubbs, explain this, won't you?" This last remark came from four students in unison. "You let me out of this!" cried the dudish student in despair.

And it seemed to him that he, too, was singing in unison with all of them with the people, the river and the distant shore, whence came plaintive moans that mingled with the song. Now the peasant went down on his knees, and gazing at Sasha, waved his hands, and she bent down toward him and shook her head, keeping time to the motions of his hands.

For He is faithful, having promised in His Divine Might, and on his perfect clear promise that cannot be shaken is the merciful way of salvation builded. Seek refuge in the heavenly harmony. For the jewel groves and gem trees of Paradise give forth a sweet and most excellent melody in pure and ordered unison. Seek refuge in the Divine Promise, the Treasury of Merit,

And, being individuals, we can no longer agree, nor can one of us lawfully rule over the Kingdom of Twi, where all the subjects are twins, thinking and acting in unison." Said Prince Marvel: "Your Highness, I alone can explain why you became separated from your twin.

In fact, she had been so fashioned and finished by Nature that, had she been set on a revolving pedestal in a show-window, the bystanders would have exclaimed, as each new charm came into view: "Look at her waist!" "See her shoulders!" "And her neck and chin!" "And her hair!" While the children, gazing with raptured admiration, would have shrieked, in unison, "I choose her for mine."

To note the curious hard logic of passion, and the emotional coloured life of the intellect to observe where they met, and where they separated, at what point they were in unison, and at what point they were at discord there was a delight in that! What matter what the cost was? One could never pay too high a price for any sensation.