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But the uninterested, untrained girls in Front Office never brought their work anywhere near a conclusion.

For Natalie and himself alone, with the long silences between them that seemed to grow longer as the years went on, it was inexpressibly dreary. He was frequently aware that both Natalie and himself were talking for the butler's benefit. From the room his eyes traveled to Graham, sitting alone, uninterested, dull and somewhat flushed.

I asked, returning to the carved sitting-room and trying to put those surroundings out of my mind. "I don't account for it," was his languid, uninterested reply. "Any of your people under the market?" "It isn't to my interest to have it supported, is it?" he replied. "I know that," I admitted. "But why doesn't it drop?"

Grace felt it, Eeny felt it, all felt it, except Sir Ronald Keith. He sat like the Marble Guest, not fascinated, not charmed, black and unsmiling. Rose, too what was the matter with Rose? She, so acutely alive to well-told stories, to handsome faces, so rigidly cold, and stately, and uninterested now.

A man may have the keenest sense of the filiation of ideas, of their scope and purport, and yet have a very dull or uninterested eye for the play of material forces, the wayward tides of great gatherings of men, the rude and awkward methods that sometimes go to the attainment of wise political ends.

On the seventh day before the Kalends of September, as I was on my way to the Palace levee, a runner inconspicuously clad ranged himself alongside my litter and handed me a letter. It read: "She whose handwriting he will recognize gives greeting to Hedulio. Take care! Do not let anyone see this letter; take care to seem negligent and uninterested as you read it.

His long holiday did not seem to have improved his spirits; he was more absent-minded than usual and disappointingly uninterested. "I didn't know you were back in Priorsford," he said, addressing Pamela, "till I met your brother in London. I called on you just now, and Miss Bathgate sent me over here." "Is Biddy amusing himself well?" Pamela asked. "I should think excellently well.

They were rather down on the Blackpool sister, Fay said, for extravagance and general swank." "What about the grandparents?" "In Guernsey? They're quite nice old people, I believe, but curiously of course I'm quoting Fay comatose and uninterested in things, 'behindhand with the world, she said. They thought Hugo very wonderful, and seemed rather afraid of him.

"Is there?" She couldn't think of any one. "Yes. Your father." "Oh! Father " She was uninterested. "Yes. You see, if he isn't " and then, at that, he was gone, she was alone and fast asleep. In the morning when she awoke, she remembered it all quite clearly, but, of course, it had all been a dream. "Such a funny dream," she told her nurse, but she would give out no details.

Aram had not interfered in this scene; he kept his eyes fixed on the cousins, not uninterested to see what effect Madeline's touching words might produce on his accuser.