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It matters not that, in the place of the primitive concepts of man stimulated to activity by a single trucking sense, or a free and uninfluenced force called a soul, or a 'desire for financial independence, psychology has established a human being possessed of more instincts than any animal, and with a psychical nature whose activities fall completely within the causal law.

The jurors before whom the case was tried representatives, as we must suppose, of the equestrian order and therefore presumably uninfluenced by senatorial hostility were long perplexed by the conflict of evidence.

He said there were two questions before the Court, reserving, for the present, the question as to the admissibility of the evidence of Augusta Smithers; and those were first, did the tattoo marks upon the lady's neck constitute a will at all? and secondly, supposing that they did, was it proved to the satisfaction of the Court that these undated marks were duly executed by a sane and uninfluenced man, in the presence of the witnesses, as required by the statute.

If you could get her away for two or three weeks or months, off by herself undisturbed by your pleadings and uninfluenced by his if she would ask him of her own accord to let her alone for that time, all will be well. I don't think she will ever go to him. She thinks she will, but I have the feeling that she won't. However, be calm. If you can, get her to go away."

Iduna was not uninfluenced by that excitement which is insensibly produced by a sudden change of scene and circumstances, and especially by an unexpected transition from hardship, peril, and suffering, to luxury, security, and enjoyment. Their spirits were elevated and gay: she smiled upon Nicæus with a cheerful sympathy.

And from the days of the Stoic down almost to our own, the will has been treated much as though it were an especial and distinct faculty of man, not uninfluenced by desire, but in no sense to be identified with it, above it, its law-giver, detached, independent, supreme.

He had mastered the difficulties of the "Gradus," one of the books purchased years before, and without any outside help had worked out his musical independence, uninfluenced by any other musician. He was now twenty-six, and his fame was growing. Meanwhile an affair of the heart had great influence on his life.

It seems as if the main body of the book had been fitted with an introduction by another hand than that of the compilers of the various sets of proverbial sayings. It is apparently due to an intellectual movement, perhaps not uninfluenced by Greek thought, and chronologically the latest of the elements composing the Old Testament scriptures.

But when the special call comes it will generally be possible to trust him: as an elector, to vote uninfluenced by considerations of private advantage; and, when called to serve on a jury, to apply legal classifications without distinction of person. Furthermore, in all times of crisis he may be counted upon to apply the principles of communal morality which have been handed down in the race.

To wear a contented look when you know that, perhaps, the effort will not be observed, certainly not appreciated, to take submissively the humblest part in the conversation, and still bear cheerfully that part, to bear with patience every hasty word that may be spoken, and so to forget it that your future conduct may be uninfluenced by it, to remove every difficulty, the removal of which is within your reach, without expecting that the part you have taken will be acknowledged or even observed, to be always ready with your sympathy, encouragement, and counsel, however scornfully they may have before been rejected; these are all acts of self-renunciation which are peculiarly fitted to a woman's sphere of duty, and have a direct tendency to cherish the difficult and excellent grace of humility; they may, however, help to foster rather than to subdue a spirit of discontent, if they are performed from a motive of obtaining any, even the most exalted, human approbation.