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And to me this seems as it were a profane and unholy thing, that a man should use so divine an art thus unworthily; it is as though a host should set stale wine before his guests, and put into it some drug which should deceive their taste; and I think that those who do this do it for two reasons: either they hanker for the praise thereof, and cannot do without the honour and that is unworthy or they do it because they have formed the habit of it, and have nought to fill their vacant hours and that is unworthy too.

That night, as he was returning, he thought he would turn his horse and ride round the quarters, and see if all was safe. It was a superb moonlight night, and the shadows of the graceful China trees lay minutely pencilled on the turf below, and there was that transparent stillness in the air which it seems almost unholy to disturb.

As she spoke, a sound reached their ears that seemed to swell from the dim skirts of the forests, a peculiar and unholy sound which it is impossible to define more accurately than by saying that it seemed beastlike, and almost inarticulate. "Listen," repeated the Bee, "they are merry yonder." "Who?" asked Hadden; "the baboons?"

But the case of the suicide is left purposely by Him against whose law and authority the unholy purpose is directed, in a solitary condition of unmitigated horror; for the desire to get quit of pain the inheritance of mortals is itself the very exclusion of that resignation which is its legitimate antidote, while the devoted victim, obeying a necessity that forces him to eschew a misery he is not noble-minded enough to bear, not only has no good in view, but is conscious that he is flying from evil, through evil, to evil; so that from behind, around him, within him, before him wherever he casts his eye there is nothing but darkness, pain, and utter desolation.

Now what further ceremonies were to be carried out in this unholy place I do not know, for at that moment a great tumult arose in the square beneath, and I was hurried from the sanctuary by the priests. Then I perceived this: galled to madness by the storm of missiles rained upon them from its crest, the Spaniards were attacking the teocalli.

I fell back in the crowd as the procession entered the great room in which I was, and hid my face in my hands: I could not look upon her as the wife of another, upon her so long loved and truly the saint of my childhood the pride and hope of my youth torn from me for ever, and delivered over to the unholy arms of the murderer who stood before me. The door of St.

'Haselden, he repeated musingly, 'I have heard that name before. And then he resumed his former attitude, his chin resting on the handle of his crutch-stick, his eyes bent upon the gravel path, their unholy brightness hidden under the penthouse brows.

"Cease, my brother; do you not see that your words are killing me? Have pity upon me!" "No! no mercy!" said the king; "you must and you shall know all, in order that you may be cured of this unholy malady, this shameful love. You shall know that Trenck not only sells the secrets of politics, but the secrets of love. Every thing is merchandise with him, even his own heart.

"I was thinking what potentialities would lie between my first impressions of it and my last." Just a suspicion of gravity came over Lilith Ormskirk's face at the remark. "And are you glad the voyage is at an end, now that it is?" she went on. "You know I am not. It was such a rest." "Which I was everlastingly disturbing." "By wreathing those unholy spells.

On many a dark night have the peasants crossed themselves with fear on hearing the witches flying through the storm-vexed air to keep their unholy tryst beside the famous walnut tree of Benevento, which has been described for us by the learned Pietro Piperno in his mysterious treatise, entitled De Nuce Beneventana.