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In this excited state, wild with joy, or harassed with fear, the whole country went to sleep that March night, little dreaming that the morrow would change the whole face of the naval situation, and that even then a little untried vessel was steaming, unheralded, toward Hampton Roads, there to meet the dreaded "Merrimac," and save the remnants of the Federal fleet.

Accordingly Phil was a second time that day surprised by the unheralded arrival of Carlotta's father, a rather dusty, weary and limp-looking gentleman this time, but exuding a sort of benignant serenity that had not been there early in the day. "Hello," greeted the millionaire blandly. "Missed my train got to browsing round the town like an old billy goat. Not sorry though.

Kendrick bit his lip for a moment, considering. Then he asked for the telephone directory, thought better of it and decided to call at the office of the Alderson Construction Company unheralded. The young man who came to the counter was Jimmy Stiles himself, Kendrick surmised; but he merely asked to see Mr. James Stiles.

It really looked as if nothing short of martial law and a strong body of troops could pacify the town. But one night, into the chamber of the City Council stalked a man, the man of the hour, unheralded and unknown. He gave the name of Bill Stoudenmayer. About all that was ever learned of him was that he hailed from Fort Davis.

I want to be let alone, in a woman world a world without Main Street, or politicians, or business men, or men with that sudden beastly hungry look, that glistening unfrank expression that wives know "If Erik were here, if he would just sit quiet and kind and talk, I could be still, I could go to sleep. "I am so tired. If I could sleep " THEIR night came unheralded.

There was no preliminary trembling of the earth or the air. There was an unheralded clap of sound a sharp detonation that almost burst their ear-drums. They did not fall to the ground; the earth, instead, seemed actually to rise and smite them! A cataract of sound followed, that completely overwhelmed them.

But he had scarcely reached the edge of a stretch of broken country which he dreaded even in the daylight when the storm was upon him. It did not come unheralded.

He was engrossed with thoughts connected with his unexpected return to the home of his childhood; and in imagination could see the excitement their unheralded appearance was certain to arouse. It had been arranged between them that their presence must be kept as much a secret as possible. On this account they would delay their arrival at the home of Jack's mother until after darkness had set in.

The faithful discharge of unromantic, secular duties, the keeping of one's heart pure in the midst of temptation, and the unheralded altruism of private life, must ever be as welcome in the sight of God as the prayers of the recluse, who scorns the world of secular affairs. True religion, the highest religion, is possible beyond the walls of churches and convents.

Thus unheralded and unawares come the great moments of life. When little Eliza mounted that wooden settle, her mind was innocent of artificial accomplishments; before she again stood on her round fat legs, she had begun the ascent of that path which leads away up to the heights of human knowledge.