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You have some of the weaknesses of your better nature still in you. You had no mother to change them into scorn, and strife, and bitterness. Go you may be a better man, and have something, therefore, for which to live. I have not my heart can know no change. It is no longer under the guidance of reason. It is quite ungovernable now.

"If not?" queried Sidonie, who had not ceased to play with her rings while he was speaking. "If not, I shall tell my brother what is going on in his house, and you will be surprised at the Risler whose acquaintance you will make then a man as violent and ungovernable as he usually is inoffensive. My disclosure will kill him perhaps, but you can be sure that he will kill you first."

"Getting a bit hot, eh?" said one. Mr. Wilcox turned on them, and said sharply, "I say!" There was silence. "Take care I don't report you to the police." They moved away quietly enough, but were only biding their time, and the rest of the conversation was punctuated by peals of ungovernable laughter.

Beloe affirms, "not very honorable to her fair fame as a woman, whatever it might be to her reputation as an author." The following passage written at this time shows the estimation in which she was held by a number of her contemporaries: "She was a woman of strong intellect and of ungovernable passions.

Hutchinson describes a portion of the soldiers on her own side as "licentious, ungovernable wretches," when Sir Samuel Luke, in his letters, depicts the glee with which his men plunder the pockets of the slain, when poor John Wolstenholme writes to head-quarters that his own compatriots have seized all his hay and horses, "so that his wife cannot serve God with the congregation but in frosty weather," when Vicars in "Jehovah Jireh" exults over the horrible maiming and butchery wrought by the troopers upon the officers' wives and female camp-followers at Naseby, it is useless to attribute exaggeration to the other side.

But Mr. Burke assuredly possessed an understanding admirably fitted for the investigation of truth, an understanding stronger than that of any statesman, active or speculative, of the eighteenth century, stronger than everything, except his own fierce and ungovernable sensibility. Hence he generally chose his side like a fanatic, and defended it like a philosopher.

For this she was prepared, and bore it bravely; but ere long severer trials came upon her. Unfortunately, her husband's temper was fierce and ungovernable; and pecuniary embarrassments rarely have the effect of sweetening such. He removed to an inland town, and embarked in mercantile pursuits; but misfortune followed him, and reverses came thick and fast.

Waddington, executing a complicated movement of farewell, a bow and a half turn, a gambolling skip, the gesture of his ungovernable youth. Then, as he went from them, the abandonment of Mrs. Rickards and Mrs. Levitt to disgraceful laughter. Mrs. Levitt clutched her sister's arm and clung to it, almost perceptibly reeling, as if she said: "Hold me up or I shall collapse. It's too much.

His temper was impetuous and domineering in the extreme, qualifying him for the despotic rule of which he was ambitious. All his passions were ungovernable and savage; and to his numerous wives and children he displayed the haughty and capricious cruelty of an Eastern bashaw."

Hardly an attempt was made by the people to disguise their abhorrence of his person: Alva, on his side, gave daily exhibitions of ungovernable fury. At a council held on 25th September, 1571, he stated that the King had ordered the immediate enforcement of the edict. Viglius observed that there were many objections to its form. He also stoutly denied that the estates had ever given their consent.