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They're giving us fellows credit for our senior year just the same. Bob Vandaventer and Clarence Unger and some of the fellows like that are in the crowd. Are you a dead-game sport, little mother, and not going to make a fuss " "I don't know. What is it I " "Your son at the front, mother, helping to make the world a safer place for democracy.

"Have a cigarette?" "Not if I wos dying of Look 'ere," said Mo, with the light on his face of the earnest seeker after Truth. "If a chap ain't got no food, he's dying of 'unger. If he ain't got no drink, he's dying of thirst. What the 'ell is he dying of if he ain't got no tobakker?" "Army Service Corps," said Phineas, pulling out his pipe. It was dark when A Company marched away.

Professor Heer has advocated the doctrine, first advanced by Unger to explain the large number of American genera in the Miocene flora of Europe, that the present basin of the Atlantic was occupied by land over which the Miocene flora could pass freely.

"I got ninety in manual training to-day, pop." "That's good, son. Little more of that stew, mother?" "Unger isn't so smart, honey, he can't afford to take a tip off you once in a while: you've proved that to him." "Yes, but go tell him so." "He'll live to see the day he's got to give you credit for being the first to see money in 'Pan-America." "Credit?

Blondin?" "Miss Nina and I want to know what day we may have our party?" Royal repeated. "The studio party?" "The roof-garden party. We're going to have it from half-past six to half-past seven only, because then it won't be too hot. We shall only ask the people we like! Gira Diable will come and dance for us, and Tilly will read something " "That's Unger Tillotson, the actor!"

After a cold salt-water bracer and a cold fresh finish, he stepped out and into a fleecy robe, and upon a couch covered with the same material he was rubbed with oil, alcohol, and spice. Later he sat in a voluptuous while he was shaved and his hair was trimmed. "Mr. Percy is waiting in your sitting-room," said the negro, when these operations were finished. "My name is Gygsum, Mr. Unger, sir.

Among the ferns met with in profusion at Monod is the Lastraea stiriaca, Unger, which has a wide range in the Miocene period from strata of the age of Oeningen to the lowest part of the Swiss Molasse. Cinnamomum Rossmassleri, Heer. Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, Unger. Among the laurels several species of Cinnamomum are very conspicuous.

What you really want is for the world to come to attention and stand there till you give "Rest!" THE YOUNG MAN: Lois I Lois I Calkins! She's fainted! I'll be right in. JULIE: In that case I'll be right out. John T. Unger came from a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations.

Mister Unger done come and Marse Richard say he can't wait a minute." When she and Oliver entered the drawing-room the 'cellist was the centre of the group. He was stripping off the green baize cover from his instrument and at the same time was apologizing, in his broken English, for being so late.

I ain't a woman like that, a new-fangled one that can do things without her husband. It's the nights that kill me the nights. The all nights sitting here alone waiting." "If you 'ain't learned the demands of my business by now, I'm not going over them again." "Yes; but not all " "You ought to have some men to deal with. I'd like to see Mrs. Unger try to dictate to him how to run his business."