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He paused again. Then he held out his hands and looked at the constable. "May I before I go take him in my arms and kiss him?" he asked. The chief officer nodded. He could not speak, but he unfastened Tom's manacles and threw them on the floor. Then Tom himself moved feebly and unsteadily to where the women knelt beside his dead child. They rose as he approached, but did not turn away.

She jumped out of bed and unfastened one of the window-shutters, then jumped in again to admire the little shoe in comfort. It was even prettier than she had thought it at the ball. She held it up and looked at it. It was about the size of the first joint of her little finger. "To think that I should have been dancing with you on last night!" she said to the shoe.

Another door, this time unfastened, led into a larger apartment, which was also at present unoccupied. They could hear now the shouts of the combatants without, the loud orders given by the leaders on the walls, the crack, as the stones hurled by the mangonels struck the walls, and the ring of steel as the arrows struck against steel cap and cuirass.

I didn't fasten the door behind me; there was no lock; it was a latch with a bolt inside, and when there was nobody in the house I always went out at the shop door. But I thought there was no danger in leaving it unfastened that little while. I was longer than I meant to be, for I had to wait for the woman that came back with me.

"I'll bat you over the head if you try it," growled the voice; and the boy stood trembling while the hasp was unfastened and the door was pushed back a little. The light of a lantern flashed in through the crack, blinding him. "Now hand out the money," said the stranger, standing at one side for safety. "Yes," said Samuel, fumbling with the pin in his waistcoat. "But I can't see to count it."

Molly deftly unfastened Patty's bag and shawl-straps, and then said: "Now, miss, I'll go below, and when you're ready, come down three flights of stairs to the dining-room, and I'll give you some breakfast." Patty thanked her, and when she had left the room, Patty sat down in the small, straight-backed rocking-chair to "think herself out," as she sometimes expressed it.

What would Europe offer to a person possessing neither culture nor a passion for clothes? The driver had placed her bags inside the gate; and O'Hara took charge of them as if it were the most natural thing in the world to carry for a fellow tenant. Upstairs in the sitting-room he put his burden down, unfastened the straps, and commented upon the leather of a bag she had bought in Paris.

Ralph, I watched her, and I knew that she meant not to go upon that ship. Three nights agone she stole from the Governor's house, and, passing through the gates that the sleeping warder had left unfastened, went toward the forest. I saw her and followed her, and at the edge of the forest I spoke to her.

Rockwood, as she unfastened the front door with her latch-key and held it open for Helen to enter. As they entered the hall they were greeted with a series of muffled thumps and bangs. "I do wish Mary would remember what I have so often told her about breaking her kindling upon the cellar floor," she exclaimed. Rattle, rattle! Bang, bang! and then a crash as though the roof were falling.

Back of the shack stood a vague figure holding two ponies by the bridles. It was Ah Sing. "You give me lilly joss now, missee?" he asked eagerly. Swiftly Peggy stooped and unfastened the little jade god from far-off China. "Here, Sing," she said simply, "and thank you." The Chinaman bowed low three times before he took the precious symbol into his keeping. He slipped it inside his loose blouse.