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As it was a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, one boy suggested a certain plan, only to have a second advanced as a better method of getting Noodles out of his unpleasant predicament. Meantime the poor fellow was kicking, and turning, and pleading with them not to go back on an old chum, and leave him to such a terrible fate. "Der rope get quick der rope, undt pull me oop!" he wailed.

I noticed the perfection of his dress; evidently he had not as yet loosed as much as a shoestring. And then I observed also that the visitor so close before him was without his shoes. "Good-evening or, good-morning, perchance," said Fontenette. "I suepose thaz a great thing to remove those old stain' that chloroform, eh?" "Ach! it iss you? Ach, you must coom coom undt hellup me!

His face showed a piteous, weary distress, his thin hair went twenty ways, he seemed scarcely to know where he was or how to take his steps, and presently was saying to a strange lady crowded against him, as though it was with her he had been talking all along: "Undt vhy shall we haf t'at owfool troubple? No-o, t'at vould kill me!

Reisen, he alvays callss me 'Mister, undt tat iss one dting in puttickly vot I alvays tit li-i-iked apowdt Mr. Richlun, 'Mr.

Ruth explained to the big-hearted German widow how they came to be struggling in the storm at such an hour. "Undt dot boy iss vet? Ach! Ledt him his feet dake off qvick! Maria! make de chocolate hot. Undt de poy ach! I haf somedings py mine closet in, for him."

He waved me off. "Yes; go on, you; I coom py undt py; I dtink t'ere iss vun maud come into dot gardten, vhat I haf not pefore seen since more as acht years, alreadty!" "Yes," I retorted, "and so you're here at the gate alone. Now come right along with me! Aren't there enough lives in danger to-night, but you must" -He stopped me in the middle of the street. "Mine Gott! vhat iss dot you say?

Dot's goot, but Lizzie undt me, ve ain't got so much time today. It's vegetables I sell in Rattlesnake undt ve go to plow, now." "Well, you old fool, after this you can call in vain if anything happens to you. I'll never bother with you." "Oh, vell, ven I got a little excitement I got to yell about it, ain't it?"

"Grand work!" he ejaculated. "Ach, yes! Undt there will be more grand work when two-fifty is joined by the others." "Sh!" warned Blake again. "You talk too much, Braun. The wise man keeps a still tongue." Ordinarily Whistler Morgan would have found nothing in this overheard conversation to fan suspicion into a blaze. He quite realized this fact.

"Why, it's a regular fort!" exclaimed Ralph, as the shutters clanged to with a harsh, grating sound. "You bet my life idt's a fort," agreed Herr Geisler, "undt ledt me tell you dot you needt a fort ven you have a specie room by dis country." "Then the specie room is near us?" "In there." The German pointed over his shoulder at a door in the rear of the office.

"Meppy you don't know dot me, I haf peen practice on der quiet dis long time, so as to surbrize you all," came the proud reply. "Feel dot muscle, Seth, undt tell me if you think idt could pe peat. Gymnastics I haf take, py shiminy, till all der while I dream of chinning mineself, hanging py one toe, undt all der rest. Meppy you vill surbrised pe yet. Holdt on, don't say nuttings, put wait!"