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Do you deny that you are utterly inconsistent?" "I may make you some concession in a few minutes, but I am not going to yield to such logic. You have committed the fallacy of the undistributed middle term, if you care to know the proper name for it. I did not say that all men, saving you, were ungrateful. I said that, saving you, the persons I have met in my life have been ungrateful.

Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the government relief rolls in order to preserve his company's undistributed reserves, tell you using his stockholders' money to pay the postage for his personal opinions that a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.

A fine sonnet written in 1870, suggested by the tower erected at Clandeboye by Lord Dufferin in memory of his mother, Helen, Countess of Gifford, had been inserted in some undistributed copies of a pamphlet, "Helen's Tower," privately printed twenty years previously; the sonnet was published at the close of 1883 in the Pall Mall Gazette, but was not given a place by Browning in the collected editions of his Poetical Works.

The path of history is strewn with undistributed middles; and it is possible that in the clash between his attitude and that of Bentham there were the materials for a fuller synthesis in a later time. Certainly there is no more admirable corrective in historical politics that the contrast they afford. It is easy to praise Burke and easier still to miss the greatness of his effort.

The comprehensiveness of this settlement is shown by the number of land-allotments distributed, which is stated at 120,000; while yet some portions of land withal were otherwise applied, as in the case of the lands bestowed on the temple of Diana at Mount Tifata; others, such as the Volaterran domain and a part of the Arretine, remained undistributed; others in fine, according to the old abuse legally forbidden but now reviving, were taken possession of on the part of Sulla's favourites by the right of occupation.

That's my theory: an artist is a fund of concentrated, undistributed energy that has any number of possible outlets, but selects one. Most of us are artists, but we take so many outlets that the hogshead becomes empty by leaking. Which shall it be? Shall we toss up a penny?" "Painting," said Miss Marston, decisively. "You must stick to that."

The undistributed outside lands to be disposed of comprised eighty-four hundred acres. The supervisors determined to reserve one thousand acres for a park. Some wanted to improve the opportunity to secure without cost considerably more.

Formerly he was entitled to the undistributed residue, not, it may fairly be conjectured, as legatee of those specific chattels, but because he represented the person of the testator, and therefore had all the rights which the testator would have had after distribution if alive.

Even undistributed earnings, goes the refrain, provide a rate of return, or a yield known as the earnings yield. The original meaning of the word "yield" income realized by an investor was undermined by this Newspeak. Why was this oxymoron the "earnings yield" perpetuated? According to all current theories of finance, in the absence of dividends shares are worthless.

"I've got immense accumulations of the wealth of the ages ingots of Emerson and Whitman, for example, gems of Voltaire, and I can't tell what other superfluous coinage!" I'm really getting frightened, lest they permit me to perish from undistributed riches!" Mr. Vedder was still smiling. "Oh," I said, warming up to my idea, "I'm a regular multimillionaire.