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He evidently mistakes the picturesque combination of man and machine for his mother, as, on seeing us approach, he assumes a thirsty, anxious expression, raises his unmusical, undignified voice, and endeavors to jump the fence.

That is plain, I am sure, and I must beg you to accept it as my final decision. The tone of our correspondence is becoming undignified on both sides, and the correspondence itself must end here. I shall not write another word on the subject, and I only wish you had not compelled me to write so much.

We can take the short cut up the coulee, and find out." He put the glass into its leathern case and started to the gate, where the horses were standing. He did not tell Beatrice that Miss Hayes had just been carried into the house in a faint, or that her mother was behaving in an undignified fashion strongly suggesting hysterics. But Dick knew, from the look on his face, that it was serious.

She was struggling to conceal a natural anger and resentment against the inconvenience of their journey from Beacon Crossing, and the final undignified catastrophe of the wagon sticking fast in the slush and mud on the trail, and against Rosebud in particular, under a polite attempt at cordiality.

They wished him well of it, with all their hearts. Meantime Seth Craddock, with the blood of eight men on his hands, was making more noise in the coffin box than a sack of cats. It was a most undignified way for a man of his sanguinary reputation to accept this humiliation at the hands of a public that he had outraged.

He thought of darting behind a cedar, but he knew the man behind him was an expert shot, and something fundamental in the brown man forbade his getting himself killed while running away. It was too undignified a death. Presently he surprised himself by calling over his shoulder, as a sort of complaint: "How came you with the pistol, Tump? Thought it was against the law to carry one."

But Uncle Tomas was not the man to be taken unawares, and reversed the surprise, striking Espartero with a small force in the darkness, and driving back his men in confusion and dismay. Eighteen hundred prisoners were taken, and the general himself narrowly escaped. General Mirasol was taken, with all his staff, in a road-side house, from which he made an undignified escape.

We will give specimens of the annotations, taken haphazard merely premising that the most characteristic of them those at which the saints in heaven knit their brows necessarily in a work of this kind exclude themselves from citations: "Laughter. Arab writers often mention the smile of beauty, but rarely, after European fashion, the laugh, which they look upon as undignified. "Swan-maidens.

The principal defect of this and all other memoirs of Kant is, that they report too little of his conversation and opinions. And perhaps the reader will be disposed to complain, that some of the notices are too minute and circumstantial, so as to be at one time undignified, and at another unfeeling.

And what the artist's feelings must have been, conscious as he was, during whole periods of his life, of this undignified element in it, he who more than any one else, perhaps, breathed freely only in sublime and more than sublime spheres, the thinker alone can form any idea.