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Brockman's private office, and by taking a position by the door communicating between this office and the main office, he could hear everything in safety. "Shall I send for an undertaker?" asked Dr. Darst. At these chilling words, Mr. Middleton was about to open the private office door and rush in and confess all. He had begun to place the key in the lock, when a joyful thought stayed his hand.

The undertaker came, suave, quiet, respectful, but he dropped back from the bedroom door as he saw two gleaming, amber eyes regarding him menacingly. "The dog loved my sister," Enid explained, quietly. "But he has found his way to her room, and he refuses to move. He fancies that we have done something her.... Oh, no, I couldn't poison him!

A labourer's wife, the mother of four or five young children, took upon herself the duty of washing and laying out the corpse, but there remained still the funeral to be managed. An undertaker to conduct it could not be engaged; there was no money to pay him.

The undertaker was already beginning to feel the heartless indifference of Jasper, and his last remark was half in irony, half in smothered contempt. "Looks! Oh! I never do any thing for looks. If I can be of any service, I will be there but, if not, not. I'm a right up-and-down, straight-forward man of the world, you see." The undertaker bowed, saying that all should be as he wished.

The blacksmith had plenty of news to communicate, but he was not to be hurried in the relating of it. "I'm tryin' to recolleck," he said, knitting his brows, "but I can't mind more than two principal mourners. And the undertaker, when he stopped to water his horses at the inn, told Mrs. Lake as they was the doctor and the lawyer; but, relations or no, they did it wonderful well!

Percival Brooks, and had asked John O'Neill if once again he recognized the paper. "'Certainly, sir, said John unhesitatingly, 'that is the one the undertaker found under my poor dead master's pillow, and which I took to Mr. Percival's room immediately. "Then the paper was unfolded and placed before the witness. "'Now, Mr. O'Neill, will you tell me if that is your signature?

Slyder in black clothes glide into the club in that peculiar manner of his, like an amateur undertaker. "Hullo, Slyder," I called to him, "you look as solemn as if you had been to a funeral." "I have," he said very quietly, and then added, "poor Podge!" "What about him?" I asked with sudden apprehension. "Why, he died on Tuesday," answered the doctor. "Hadn't you heard?

Powerless to withdraw his booty from the abyss, the wily Dung-beetle summons three or four of his neighbours, who kindly pull out the pellet and return to their labours when the work of salvage is done. The Sacred Beetle and Others: chap. i. The ill-interpreted exploit of the thieving pill-roller sets me on my guard against that of the undertaker.

"Very well," said the coroner, after a pause, during which he had made a memorandum of certain details which he considered of special importance; "the undertaker can now be summoned as I believe he is waiting below, and we seem to have ascertained all the facts possible in this direction; and, Mr.

Judge Thayer wrote the address on the shipping tag, the undertaker tacked it on Seth Craddock's case, and then the amazed people of Ascalon came forward surrounding the case, and read: Chief of Police, Kansas City, Missouri. That was the consignee of the strangest shipment ever billed out of Ascalon. People wondered what the chief of police would do with his gift.