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The king this morning asked me if I would undertake the defence of the palace; but I said to him: 'I am but a simple knight, your Majesty, and neither the young lords of the Court nor the citizens would pay any heed to my orders; moreover, I am not one of those whose head is good to plan matters.

It is only within a century that the modern church has given much attention to promoting social betterment as one of its principal functions, but within a few years the conscience of church people has been goading them to undertake a campaign of social welfare.

With his usual carelessness, 'Tommy' was leaving his letters with any one he saw on the jetty, and even confiding his money to be sent home by any chance passer-by. The S.C.A. got permission to undertake this work and soon had an amateur post-office in full working order. In this way thousands of letters reached anxious friends at home which might otherwise have been delayed for weeks.

On August 5th, therefore, Parliament was asked to make a grant of £300,000, in order 'to enable Her Majesty's Government to undertake operations for the relief of General Gordon, should they become necessary'. The money was voted; and even then, at that last hour, Mr. Gladstone made another, final, desperate twist.

On the tenth day they all went away to a small river in the neighbourhood, where they took their meals, cooking paddi in bamboo, also fish in the same manner. During the days immediately following the people may go to the ladang, but are obliged to sleep in the kampong, and they must not undertake long journeys.

"Several days elapsed before Gen. Anderson felt that he could undertake the journey contemplated. Finally he concluded that he would make the effort. He thought it best for him to pass into Illinois first, as he would not be known in that State. "The first stopping place of the General was at Colestown, in Charles County.

It is one thing to undertake a task and another thing to persevere to its successful completion. Aunt Mary’s nephew was tiredvery tired. A little later he felt a weight against him; he looked; it was Aunt Mary’s head,—she was oblivious there on his bosom. He heard a voice; it was the parrot. "Now see what you’ve done," it said in sepulchral tones.

Whether, however, when the vortex theory of gases is thoroughly worked out, it will or will not be found to fail in a manner analogous to the failure which I have already pointed out in connection with the kinetic theory of gases composed of little elastic solid molecules, I cannot at present undertake to speak with certainty.

It was a striking instance of the imbecility of the government under the Articles of Confederation, that it could only undertake to suppress rebellion in a State under the pretense of doing something else which came within the law.

Again on the 30th of April of the same year, in a letter in which he lays out a plan for a visit of Carlyle to this country, Emerson says: "It was suggested that if Mr. C. would undertake a journal of which we have talked much, but which we have never yet produced, he would do us great service, and we feel some confidence that it could be made to secure him a support.