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This passage gives the first indication of the use of a special call for the telegraph. The same year , in a work entitled Versuch ueber Telegraphie und Telegraphen, Boeckmann likewise proposed the use of the pistol as a call signal, in conjunction with the use of a line composed of two wires only, and of discharges in the air or a vacuum, grouped in such a way as to form an alphabet.

Decem Praecepta Wittebergenai praedicata populo, 1518, Erl. Ed., op. ex. lat., I, 218. A series of sermons entering into almost minute analyses of sins. Die zehen Gebote Gottes mit einer kurzen Auslegung ihre Erfüllung und Uebertretung, Weimar Ed., I, 247 ff; Erl. Ed., XXXVI, 145-154. Reduces contents of the sermons to a few pages.

Kolb and David reached Marsac at eight o'clock, and suddenly came in upon the old man as he was finishing his dinner, which, by force of circumstances, came very near bedtime. "I see you because there is no help for it," said old Sechard with a sour smile. "Und how should you and mein master meet? He soars in der shkies, and you are always mit your vines!

You know you says me, und Patrick, und Nathan, should be monitors on your weddinge when you marries mit him." And Morris stretched a pointing finger at the foe. After one radiant glance at Teacher's face, Doctor Ingraham possessed himself of the scrubby hand and shook it warmly. "And so you shall, old chap," he cried, "so you shall. You may be best man if you so desire. Anything you like."

"What in thunder is cabbages fer, if they ain't ter be et by pigs?" "Yes, you, but not fer dose kind of pig. Maybe you might eat dem und it vould be all right, but not der pig mit four feet." Carl had a small garden back of the ranch house, in which he had been raising cabbages, devoting all his spare time to them and good-naturedly taking the joshing the boys gave him.

And she wildly rushed out, saying over her shoulder, "By und by we zee for zat maid, und about zat udder lady, by und by also," and so departed at a run with a great rattling of starch and fluttering of cap ribbons; for Jules, the head cook, already in the first stages of delirium tremens, was making himself interesting to the guests by trying to jump into the fountain basin to save the lives of the tiny ducklings, who were happily swimming there, and Madame F was sorely needed.

'Teufel und hexerei! he cried, wiping away the blood which oozed from under his nails, 'I might as well put my fingers in a rat-trap. You are the first man that ever yet exchanged fair hand-grips with Anthony Buyse. 'We breed brawn in England as well as in Brandenburg, said Saxon, who was shaking with laughter over the German soldier's discomfiture.

Und I sets on a lion und he runs around, und runs around, und runs around. Say what you think? He has smiling looks und hair on the neck, und sooner he says like that 'I'm awful thirsty, I gives him a peanut und I gets a golden ring." "Where is it?" asked the jealous and incredulous Patrick. "To my house."

I say mit my husband dat night, 'Vill you keek me hard, if you pleas'? Mais, he cannot, he hav' zee gout in zee grande toe, und he can't keek vurth one sou! und zat is my second tr'uble!" Behind her broad back the Colonel confessed that had she expressed such a wish on the occasion of the mistake, he would willingly have obliged her, as he was quite free from gout.

He say he got his pension and he got der insure on his life, und he 'ain't got nobody 'cept Freda, und he vunt haf Freda look down on. Und sie don't know. Mans don't can talk mit him; he git mad. He git mad at me 'cause I talk. Dot's vat der fine votin' do!" A little gasp from the audience meant more than agreement; their eyes ran to Mrs.