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"It is one, fortunately, that isn't marketable," she said, "and it's the only quality you've mentioned that's worth anything." "A woman's valuation," said Mr. Crewe. "If it made you forget your own affairs, it would be priceless." "Look here, Victoria," cried Mr. Crewe, uncrossing his knees, "joking's all very well, but I haven't time for it to-day. And I'm in a serious mood.

'But really, Reardon, began the other, uncrossing and recrossing his legs, 'do you tell me in seriousness that you expect Amy to live in such lodgings as you can afford on a pound a week? 'I don't. I said that I had offered her the best home I could. I know it's impossible, of course. Either he must speak thus, or break into senseless wrath.

Something colorless that can be mixed with wine? Know you a safe poison, Galen?" "Aye irresolution!" Galen answered. "I will not be made a victim of it. Who shall aspire to the throne if Commodus dies?" "Pertinax!" Pertinax looked startled, stroking his beard, uncrossing his knees. "Then let Pertinax do his own work," said Galen. "Rome is full of poisoners, but hasn't Pertinax a sword?" "Aye.

I hesitated, and he impatiently leaned forward, uncrossing his legs and clasping his hands over one knee to bring himself nearer to me. "Pleasure or happiness?" he repeated, "which is it to be?" A sudden light flashed over my obscured intellect. "Both," I answered. "Could you see the ideal woman as I would fain paint her to you, you would understand me better.

Guppy, uncrossing and recrossing his legs, "how do you suppose he spelt out that name of Hawdon?" "He never spelt it out. You know what a curious power of eye he has and how he has been used to employ himself in copying things by eye alone. He imitated it, evidently from the direction of a letter, and asked me what it meant." "Tony," says Mr.

Instead of which he called out "Crossed," and I was obliged to show them in that wise, though, as before pointed out, I could easily have defeated him by uncrossing them before revealing my hand. I mean to say, it is not on the face of it a game one would care to play with casual acquaintances, and I questioned even then in my own mind its prevalence in the States.

So, despite yourself, I set you on a fair island with the right noble and handsome lady that you, by love, might perchance learn some little wisdom. Well, you fall in love " "Stop!" cried I, clenching my fists. "Not I!" says he, uncrossing his arms, and I saw he had levelled a pistol at me in the crook of his arm, "I'm no fine gentleman for ye to bruise, so haul your wind and listen!

They will only go off with you the moment you begin to rise, and then down you flop again. If you fall head downwards down a slope, you still have to get your Skis parallel across the slope below you before you can stand up, and the only thing to be done is to turn a somersault uncrossing your Skis in the air if they are crossed and getting them below you and then standing up.

Then she turned to the table by her side, picked up a note and read it through. "Lord Southover tells me here," she said, "that you are just a pal of his who wants to make my acquaintance. He doesn't say why." "Is that necessary?" Francis asked good-naturedly. She moved in her chair a little nervously, crossing and uncrossing her legs more than once.

He had been smoking the pipe of twilight contentment, but now he took it out and laid it on the bench beside him, uncrossing his legs and straightening himself, with the air of a man to whom it falls, after long pondering, to take some decisive step. "No; it don't seem as if 'twas goin' to happen," he owned. "It looked pretty dark to me, all last week.