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Naturally, I had resolved that the bath-room and the big brass bed should be mine. When I asked the agents to arrange with the captain they seemed non-committal and uncomfortable. "I don't know in the least what it is worth," I said. "And I don't care. Whether it costs one hundred and fifty dollars or five hundred, I must have those quarters."

Afterward I talked with one of the men, and he told me about how his father had appeared to him in the night and told him he had just been drowned at sea. Have you ever heard of such a thing?" "We have such a tradition in our family," said he. "Every family seems to have," said Mrs. Winnie. "But, dear me, it made me so uncomfortable I lay awake all night expecting to see my own father.

Love is the sweetest blossom of life, whose gentle wings will always cover you with the aromatic harmony of an everlasting sunlight." Rita thought the metaphor beautiful, and Dic was too interested to be critical. Then Rita and Miss Tousy, without any reason at all, began to weep, and Dic felt as uncomfortable as the tears of two women could make him.

"Why should I make both him and you uncomfortable, papa when there was not going to be anything more of it?" "Why then do you go hankering after him still, and refusing Mr. Duff? It is true he is not exactly a gentleman by birth, but he is such by education, by manners, by position, by influence." "Papa, I have already told Mr.

He did not occupy the pulpit in virtue of his personality, but of his office, and it was not a place for the display of originality, but for dispensing the bread of life. From the stores of other people? Yes, certainly if other people's bread was better, and no one the worse for his taking it. "For me, I have none," he said to himself. Why then should that letter have made him uncomfortable?

It suddenly occurred to Rick that he had asked no questions himself. "Where's the cat?" he demanded. "At the project," Scotty replied. "I was going to turn it over to Ben, but he said to leave it there." "It might be uncomfortable at the station," Ben added with a twinkle. "After all, it's a well-cared-for pet." Rick grinned. "We've grown fond of it," he admitted.

If he were like Lord Chelford, or even like our good vicar not in piety, for poor Stanley's training, like my own, was sadly neglected there I mean in a few manly points of character, I should be quite happy, I think, in my solitary nook. 'Is he so very odd? said Miss Brandon, coldly. 'I only know he makes me often very uncomfortable, answered Rachel.

He had, in fact, found out a way of escape just as he had abandoned all hope of doing so, and carefully extricating himself from his uncomfortable position, he pursued his way by Masson's shadowy heights, boiling over with rage against his ruffianly captors, and made the best of his way to the nearest inn to secure a horse to carry him home.

The Cardinal bit his lips and played the abstracted during the first and second acts; the silence in which the third and fourth passed off so wounded his paternal heart that he had himself raised half out of the balcony, and in this uncomfortable and ridiculous position signed to the court to remark the finest passages, and himself gave the signal for applause.

Sleighter somehow felt as if his soul were being exposed to a searchlight. It made him uncomfortable. "It's a fine day, ma'am," he remarked, seeking cover for his soul in conversation. "A little warm for the time," he continued, wiping his forehead with a highly coloured silk handkerchief. "Won't you sit down, Mr. Sleighter? Do you find it warm? I thought there was quite a chilly wind to-day.