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Surely to have seen Florence in there would have been so usual and natural a sight that it could not have caused him anxiety. And yet, again, for him to have seen Florence in her uncle's office, would have proved to him that the story she told at the inquest was false. I must get out of him the knowledge he possessed, if I had to resort to a sort of third degree.

A doctor and the servants. This was not altogether reasonable, despite what he knew of his uncle. Here was some oddity of psychology he could not follow. He heard the curtains stir as his uncle reentered. He looked up, attentive and curious, but his uncle's face was the mask to which he was accustomed. "How is Mrs. Denby?" he asked. Mr. McCain hesitated for the fraction of a second.

She moved toward the door by which she had entered, and Madge quietly took her uncle's hand and led him after Lady Crawford. Within five minutes Sir George, Aunt Dorothy, and Madge returned to the room. "Dorothy?" said Madge in a low voice. "Here I am, Madge," murmured Dorothy, who was sitting on the bench by the blazoned window.

De Léry said little, but noted every word of his uncle's statement, and it slowly took shape in his mind in a steel-cold deadly contempt for Lecour. The true Répentigny alone, his nature long purified of pride, felt no malice nor indignation against this usurper of his name.

"How came she to invite you, sir?" demanded Sir Justin. "As my uncle's nephew, merely." Sir Justin stared at him in silence, while he brought the full force of his capacious mind to bear upon the situation. "Your name, you say, is Bunker?" he observed at length. "Count Bunker," corrected that nobleman. "Ah! Doubtless, then, you are the same gentleman who has been residing with Lord Tulliwuddle?"

Johnny probably got the only book of an antiorthodox trend in his uncle's library. He found tucked away in a snug corner an ancient collection of Border Ballads, and he read therein of many unmoral romances and pretty fancies, which, since he was a small boy, held little meaning for him, or charm, beyond a delight in the swing of the rhythm, for Johnny had a feeling for music.

At this moment Reuben Gold came swinging along the road with a green baize bag under his arm. He was on his way to his uncle's house, and, unobserved of Snac, took a place on the causeway to see what might be the reason of this unusual gathering. "Now," said Snac, "I never thought as Lord Barfield 'ud be so mean as to do things in that half-an'-half manner.

She at once took side with Helen against Doctor Portman, when he outcried at the enormity of Pen's transgressions. Debts? what were his debts? they were a trifle; he had been thrown into expensive society by his uncle's order, and of course was obliged to live in the same manner as the young gentlemen whose company he frequented.

"According to your own story you must have been in your uncle's apartment at least a quarter of an hour, Mr. Lane," said the prosecuting attorney. "What were you doing there all that time?" "Most of the time I was waitin' for him to return." "Why did you not call up the police at once, as soon as you found the crime had been committed?" "I suppose I lost my head an' went panicky.

Against all this, my uncle's wife was reported to be again in the family way. I cannot say that I was pleased when my father used to speculate upon these chances so often as he did. I thought, not only as a man, but more particularly as a clergyman, he was much to blame; but I did not know then so much of the world.