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The style, the manner, would be the man, not in his unreasoned and really uncharacteristic caprices, involuntary or affected, but in absolutely sincere apprehension of what is most real to him. But let us hear our French guide again. What he believed in was Style: that is to say, a certain absolute and unique manner of expressing a thing, in all its intensity and colour.

Smith, who has been boring his readers to death for a year, may write to-morrow a thing that will please them so much that he will at once be a prime favorite again; and Jones, whom they have been asking for, may do something so uncharacteristic and alien that it will be a flat failure in the magazine.

Jefferson showed his sense of this obligation in a not uncharacteristic way by removing Daveiss from office; Marshall was already in private life, and all that could be done was to neglect him. The Trial of Burr. As for Burr, he was put on trial for high treason, with Wilkinson as state's evidence.

"Well, look at me! That that damned...." "If you mention her," cried Winifred, "I go straight out to Park Lane and I don't come back." Suddenly he did a simple thing, but so uncharacteristic that it moved her. He shut his eyes. It was as if he had said: 'All right! I'm dead to the world! "You can have a room for the night," she said; "your things are still here. Only Imogen is at home."

Or they do things which they afterwards condemn as irrelevant or uncharacteristic and out of harmony. Borrow had an ideal self very clearly before him when he was writing, and it is probable that in writing he often described not what he was but what in a better, larger, freer, more Borrovian world he would have actually become.

There came a pause in this personal talk, and either of them addressed himself to the consumption of the wing of a chicken with a certain absorption in the occupation. It was not uncharacteristic of Mr. Manley that his high sense of the fitness of things had not prevailed on him to accord the liver wing to the guest. He was firmly eating it himself. Then Mr.

So strange and uncharacteristic was Tom's conduct that people noticed it, and turned to look after him when he passed on; and when he glanced back as he could not help doing, in spite of his best resistance and caught that puzzled expression in a person's face, it gave him a sick feeling, and he took himself out of view as quickly as he could.

It was a smiling, vacuous, uncharacteristic photograph, and he abandoned it for a bulky album stamped with his initials. He retreated to the bed and sprawled over a group of the "Mystics."

"Well, look at me! That that damned...." "If you mention her," cried Winifred, "I go straight out to Park Lane and I don't come back." Suddenly he did a simple thing, but so uncharacteristic that it moved her. He shut his eyes. It was as if he had said: 'All right! I'm dead to the world! "You can have a room for the night," she said; "your things are still here. Only Imogen is at home."

The change in Mr. Bashwood's face and manner to something dogged and self-contained was so startlingly uncharacteristic of him, that it even forced itself on the notice of Pedgift Junior and the clerks as he passed through the outer office. Accustomed to make the old man their butt, they took a boisterously comic view of the marked alteration in him.