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That was more than my professional meekness could endure, so I reproached him with his rascality and abuse of hospitality towards me, adding that I expected he would now repay me what he had so unceremoniously taken from me while I was asleep.

He hurled forth an indignant reminder of all the services he had performed for the family services at once degrading and gratuitous; and he demanded if a year's dabbling in such delectable detail were not a sufficient warrant for asking the help that he now required. In fact, he hectored his father as unscrupulously, as unceremoniously, as he had browbeaten Belden.

You won't mind, will you," he said to Waldemar, "if I leave you unceremoniously?" "Recalled a forgotten engagement?" asked the other, rising. "Yes. No. I mean I'm going to Harlem to hear some music. Thirty-fourth's the nearest station, isn't it? Thanks. So long." Waldemar rubbed his head thoughtfully as the door slammed behind the speeding Ad-Visor.

As he reached the bottom I flung myself upon him, clasping him round the body and arms, and lifted him off his feet, at the same time singing out to Hardy to gag him; and in another minute we had him securely bound, hand and foot, and lashed hard and fast into a hammock. "So far, well!" I exclaimed, as I dragged him unceremoniously away to a dark corner.

Shipley said, gloomily, as one not well pleased; and he added, in under tone, "What on earth can the man want?" Meantime Col. Baker, with a sudden dexterous move, unceremoniously swept the whole pack of cards out of sight under a paper by his side. It so happened that Dr. Dennis' call was purely one of business; some item connected with the financial portion of the church, which Dr.

An hour later Tserin Dorchy crawled out from under a bowlder directly into their hands. He had been well-nigh killed before the lamas brought him down to Urga and was still unconscious when they dumped him unceremoniously into one of the prison coffins.

In went the sheets, on went the press, out came the tales, up grew the pile, amid quips and cranks and rays of silver-toned laughter, social labor's natural music. They were all so innocent and so happy, when the door was unceremoniously opened, and in burst Fry and Hodges, followed by Evans crawling with his eyes on the ground. The work-women looked astonished, but did not interrupt their work.

It was in this vindictive spirit that, on the second evening after Dickinson's midnight visit, Ralli walked up to the cottage, and, unceremoniously opening the door, obtruded his unexpected and most unwelcome presence upon its inmates. As he made his appearance the conversation, which had been of a somewhat animated character, suddenly ceased.

The cubs, very small, helpless and forlorn, howled lustily for their mother. I decided to tie their feet together, and their mouths shut. With ready cord, I dived headlong upon a cub, caught him by the scruff of the neck, lifted him triumphantly then dropped him unceremoniously, the end of a finger badly bitten.

"Teddie Wilson has gone and got herself conditioned in psych.," announced Bob Parker, bouncing unceremoniously through Betty's half-open door. "Oh, Bob!" Betty's tone was fairly tragic. "Does that mean that she can't try for a part in the play?" Bob nodded. "Cast-iron rule. And she'd have made a perfect Gobbo, young or old, and a stunning Gratiano.