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Her outrageously unbusiness-like utterances, treading fast on the heels of his own melodramatic and written views concerning their property, nettled him greatly. Each downright syllable was a sting to his conscience, but of this Iris was blissfully unaware, else she would not have applied caustic to the rankling wound caused by his momentary distrust of her.

"Why " said Tode, conscious that he had made a very unbusiness-like opening, and he begun at the beginning, and told her his story. "Well now, I never!" said the woman, sinking into a chair. "No, I never did in all my life! And so you left that there place, because you wasn't going to give bottles to your neighbors no longer, and now you're going into business for yourself?

'By the way, I don't know the name of the landlord, said Stella, as she took the key and walked off with the others. 'That's awkward. Wasn't it on the order to view? inquired Amy. Stella laughed guiltily. 'I believe it was; but, to tell the truth, I did not look. It was very unbusiness-like of me. However, we shall know if it comes to anything. 'But we sha'n't know what to call him, said Eva.

Tinman despatched a business letter to Annette, which brought back a vague, unbusiness-like reply. Two days afterward Mrs. Cavely reported to her brother the presence of Mr. Fellingham and Miss Mary Fellingham in Crikswich. At her dictation he wrote a second letter. This time the reply came from Van Diemen: "My DEAR MARTIN, Please do not go on bothering my girl.

To bring it to pass, he would be obliged to impress the roundup cook and part of the crew. It was breaking an unwritten law of the rangeland, and worse, it was doing something unbusiness-like and foolish. But not even the owner of the Rocking R may withstand the pleading of a pretty woman. Uncle Peter squirmed, but he promised: "We start at six; earlier if you say so."

"Well, no," Gifford said, shrugging his shoulders; "but then, I'm not John Ward." "Thank Heaven!" said the rector devoutly. "But it is a mistake, all the same," Gifford went on; "it is unbusiness-like, to say nothing of being bad for his people to have the burden of support lifted from them; it pauperizes them spiritually." After the relief of this outburst against John Ward, Dr.

A shopkeeper near the harbour complained of the unbusiness-like ways of the Galway townsmen: "They have no notion of business management. Take the Galway Board of Guardians. They resolved that any contractor furnishing milk below a certain standard should have his contract broken if he were caught swindling the authorities three times in six months.

Claims upon the Government had not been so far exploited in those days as they were a little later, and knowledge of such business and its processes was not as easily obtainable by unbusiness-like persons.

How fictitious, how unbusiness-like, how preposterous in the sight of God is this internecine sectarianism and impotent sentimentalism where there might be the triumphant march of one army under one flag! Let us learn the lesson which even the grasping, unscrupulous world has to teach, the lesson of an absorbed and disciplined mind giving its entire sagacity to the chief business of life.

I daresay that is a very unbusiness-like way of considering the question, but I cannot bear to think that we got money by dear papa's death." These remarks were too trivial for Mr. Sheldon's notice. He went on with what he had to say in the cold hard voice that was familiar to his clerks and to the buyers and sellers of shares and stock who had dealings with him.