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He took great delight in copying it out, dwelling on such words as he knew; but I have seen him turn over two leaves and go on wholly unconscious, of any mistake: and I have found among his papers whole pages, composed of half sentences and single epithets from Scripture, put together in unbroken paragraphs, without any meaning.

The works were of themselves great fortifications, the assailants numerous, and strengthened by the prestige of almost unbroken success; there seemed no human hope of the deliverance of the town unless by an overwhelming army, which the King's party did not possess, or by some wonderful and utterly unexpected event.

Now, since the walls of that Hall are broken by six large doors in variegated marble, and only one wall is left unbroken, Daniello made over each door what is almost a tabernacle in stucco, of great beauty.

This large squadron continued comparatively unbroken until it reached Holyhead, where such vessels as were bound for Scotland, or the north of Ireland, bore away from those which were bound down the channel. The Gold Hunter, whose destination was a port in the United States, was, of course, in company with the latter class.

Pleased to find the attention of his young friend diverted for the moment from his sister, Captain Blessington quickly rejoiced, he believed the packet contained letters which Halloway had stated to him were of a nature to throw some light on his family connections. He had, however, transferred it, with the seal unbroken, as desired by the unhappy man, to Colonel de Haldimar.

The two families were supposed to continue on unbroken terms of friendship, and we men did so; but Mrs. Fordyce told my mother that she had disapproved of the probation, and Mrs. Winslow was hurt.

'The unbroken flatness of the banks of the Mississippi continued unvaried for many miles above New Orleans; but the graceful and luxuriant palmetto, the dark and noble ilex, and the bright orange, were everywhere to be seen, and it was many days before we were weary of looking at them. Captain Basil Hall

In place of pouring the melted alloy direct into the ring mould, I attached to the side of it what I termed a "pouring pocket;" which communicated with an opening at the lower edge of the ring, and by a self-acting arrangement by which the mould plate was slightly tilted up, the influx of the molten alloy advanced in one unbroken tide.

These people own large herds of cattle, and are constantly increasing in numbers by annexing other tribes. The Lake tribes The Mazitu Quantities of elephants Distressing journey Detention on the Shire. Never before in Africa have we seen anything like the dense population on the shores of Lake Nyassa. In the southern part there was an almost unbroken chain of villages.

That would be to the point at present," said the Judge, laughing, "I think I'll be going." "'Deed, no, sir," said Janet, earnestly, "I didna mean you. I'm aye glad to see you or any sensible person to converse with the minister. It cheers him. But this week it's been worse than ever. He has hardly had an unbroken hour. But sit still, sir.