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With the aid of a convert, he unbarred the ponderous gate, and ventured out on the highest slab of the landing-steps. Across the river, to be sure, there lay between a local junk and a stray papico from the north the high-nosed Hakka boat, her deck roofed with tawny basket-work, and at her masthead a wooden rice-measure dangling below a green rag.

A gleam of the gray daylight already glimmered through a chink in the secret door, which Tomlinson had now unbarred and was about to open. "Listen to me, Mr. Nabbem," said he, "and perhaps I may grant what you require! What would you do with me if you had me?" "You speaks like a sensible man now," answered Nabbem; "and that's after my own heart.

The servant recognized the voice, and ran down without hesitation and unbarred the fastening; but for a moment he thought he must have been mistaken, as Francis ran into the lighted hall. "Where are the ladies?" he asked. "Lead me to them instantly." But as he spoke a door standing by was opened, and Signor Polani himself, with the two girls, appeared.

So he was wise in his generation, and would not have the door unbarred, except upon rare and formal occasion, which seemed to have neither warmth nor mirth in them to the two children, who had been accustomed so long to a daily gleeful, careless, happy interchange of greeting, speech, and pastime, with no other watcher of their sports or auditor of their fancies than Patrasche, sagely shaking the brazen bells of his collar and responding with all a dog's swift sympathies to their every change of mood.

We groped our way through the passage to the stairs, noiselessly descended them, and found the outer door unchained, unbarred, and slightly ajar. When I had laid the gold beneath the pillory, we struck swiftly across the square, being in fear lest the watch should come upon us, and took the first lane that led toward the palisade. Beneath the burning stars the town lay stark in sleep.

"She ought to have somethin' to eat. An' nobody 'pears to have remembered that we're so set up." He unbarred the huge, clumsy door and allowed Ruth to pass in. "Joe, you can go in if you want," he said. "But hurry out before Elder Smith comes back from his dinner." Joe mumbled something, gave a husky cough, and then went in.

Hist! here they are I say, Jael?" He tapped at the window. In a few seconds Jael had unbarred the door, let us in, and closed it again securely, mounting guard behind it with something that looked very like my father's pistols, though I would not discredit her among our peaceful society by positively stating the fact.

This was our plan, and we had need to be quick about it, for, as I have said, the state of affairs below had suddenly changed, and much for the worse. A whistle was heard without; the front entrance was hastily unbarred, and in strode Wyatt, Black Jack, and well did he on this occasion vindicate the justice of his popular designation.

You will have to be rather early in the morning, you know. Good-night, good-night." Thus Hester and Margaret were hurried up-stairs, while the front door was in the act of being unbarred for Mr Grey's entrance. Morris was despatched after them, with equal speed, by Mrs Grey's orders, and she reached their chamber-door at the same moment that they did.

After climbing higher and higher they arrived at a small open place near the top of the knob. In its midst was a diminutive log cabin, consisting of only one room. Turner stopped his horses in front of the cabin, dismounted, and requested the girls to do the same. He unbarred the door, and the three entered. By means of flint, steel, tinder, and burnt rags Turner made a light.