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Gottlieb stole stealthily out and told the Abbot that all the knights were stretched upon the floor, and the Baron had his head on the table, beside his overturned flagon. The sentinel snored upon the stone bench. "I can now unbar the gate," said Father Gottlieb, "and we may all escape." "Not so," replied the Abbot. "We came to convert these men to Christianity, and our task is still to do."

"Not if I can help it," returned Abraham, making a desperate effort to regain his feet. "By my shalvation, boy," he added, fiercely, "if you don't take your hande off my peard, I'll sthrangle you." "Help me, Jack!" shouted Thames, "or I shan't be able to keep the villain down." "Stick the spike into him, then," returned Sheppard, coolly, "while I unbar the outlet."

"Unbar the door," said Wilhelm, quietly, in the tone of one whose authority is not to be disputed. "Close it after us and allow none to enter or emerge who does not give you the word 'Elsa." This command was so promptly obeyed that Wilhelm could scarcely believe they had won so easily to the outer air.

The beams reached the room where the beleaguered remains of Wyatt's band fought, but, mingling with the smoke, they gave a new and more ghastly tint to the desperate faces. "We've got to fight!" exclaimed Wyatt. "We can't sit here and be taken like beasts in a trap! Suppose we unbar the doors below and make a rush for it?" Coleman shook his head.

"I think we had best make a rush at them, Boduoc, shouting at the top of our voices as we go, and bidding the woman stand in readiness to unbar the door. They will be scared for a moment, not knowing how many of us there may be, and once inside we shall be safe from them." "Let us get as near as we can before we begin to shout, Beric.

I murmured, inwardly "Dear God, have pity! Unbar the gate and let her in! She has waited so long!" The hand holding mine strengthened its clasp, and the warm, close pressure sent a thrill through my veins.

'She wants me to unbar the window, thought Peter, 'but I won't, not I. He peeped again, and the tears were still there, or another two had taken their place. 'She's awfully fond of Wendy, he said to himself. He was angry with her now for not seeing why she could not have Wendy. The reason was so simple: 'I'm fond of her too. We can't both have her, lady.

Themistocles’s private memoranda for the battle-order of your new fleet.” “Avert it, gods! The ship will reach Corinth, I warn you—” Democrates’s gestures became menacing, as again he rose, “I will set you in Themistocles’s hand as soon—” “But not to-night.” The Prince rose, smiled, held out his hand. “Unbar the door for his Excellency, Hiram.

A low voice from the outside now entreated to be let in, for a moment, out of the rain. "Nay," returned Bars. "You put no foot into my house, at this time of night, without the countersign." "The sling of David," replied the voice. "All right," said Bars, beginning to unbar the door, "But what do you"

I aver that any exile from the happier earth whose heart is pure, if he invokes this love with ardent faith, may unbar his door and feel that it has passed his threshold. Let us never be persuaded that the ideal world is far from this earth of ours, or that the way to it may not be daily traversed by him who has submitted to the heavenly guide.