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So, as I am unassailable in mathematics, I'm a much better singer than the common and vulgar lot who merely have voice." "That being the case," said Pennington, "you should sing for yourself only and admire your own wonderful technique."

He stood in that felon audience like Spenser's Una amidst the satyrs; unassailable and secure in the "unresistible might of meekness," and panoplied in that "noble grace which dashed brute violence with sudden adoration and mute awe."

But what I had intended as subtle irony was discovered by a great conservative journal to be an unassailable argument, supported by facts and figures, demonstrating the futility of the movements for international amity.

Close to us stood the defendant, Sweeny, a tall elderly man, with a long, composed, shaven face, and an all-observant grey eye: Irish in type, Irish in expression, intensely Irish in the self-possession in which he stood, playing to perfection the part of calm rectitude and unassailable integrity.

Butter, cheese, eggs of unassailable genuineness, to be sold in England at absurdly low prices, yet still putting the producers on a footing of comfort and proud independence. One of the best ideas that had yet occurred to Mr. Robert Delancey. He the said Mr. Delancey, alias Mr. Willis Rodman, alias certain other names spent much of his time just now in the society of a Mr.

But she dare not, for her livelihood, give the doctor away in public. And the doctors stand by one another at all costs. Now and then some doctor in an unassailable position, like the late Sir William Gull, will go into the witness box and say what he really thinks about the way a patient has been treated; but such behavior is considered little short of infamous by his colleagues.

And she the marriage bond which two persons formed was sacred and unassailable the woman who broke her faith with her husband and turned from him was an abomination to her. How she loved her sons and grandsons! I knew that she would never forgive the wrong I did Hanno. From resentment to me she cured the man whom I hated."

It would ill become me to say that you only did me justice; but permit me to remark, that having closely watched myself and compared myself with others, for years, I have come to the conclusion that I am blessed with a rapid discernment. Before Mrs. Under all kinds of vexatious circumstances I have been witness of her unassailable good temper. I have seen her wear a new bonnet in a shower of rain.

As to knowing each other" his voice changed subtly, became soft, with something of a purring quality "we have all our lives before us, and we shall be learning every day." His absolute assurance struck her dumb. There was something implacable about it, something unassailable a stronghold which she felt powerless to attack. "Doesn't that programme attract you?" he said, drawing nearer to her.

Your local attorney was on the ground and he had the full benefit of the delay." "I know," was the patient rejoinder. "Technically, your order is unassailable. None the less, a great injustice has been done, as we are prepared to prove.