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Does this not seem like I do not say it is sacrificing Mrs Dombey to the preservation of your preeminent and unassailable position? Again the light in his eyes fell upon her, as she stood looking at her husband: now with an extraordinary and awful smile upon her face. I have no more to say.

A legislator, magistrate or judge might be the very opposite of venal, and yet be irresistibly impelled by the force of training and association to take the current view of the unassailable rights and superiority of property. It would be biassed, in fact, ridiculous to say that the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the rich were altogether the outcome of corruption by bribes.

They attempted to open a way for themselves by force of arms; but the Eburones would not enter into any close combat, and contented themselves with discharging their missiles from their unassailable positions into the dense mass of the Romans.

There was an unexpressed axiom: "If you want a dowd for your wife who can't dress or talk and whom nobody cares to know, why you should have married some one else." Bessie awaited his reply in unassailable attractiveness. "Very well," Falkner said slowly. "That being so, I have made up my mind what to do." Mildred entered the room at this moment, looking for a book.

I can see now the work laid cut for Captain Dickert, ought to have been assigned to the Cavalry for a company of Infantry, say a half mile from the Regiment, might have been surrounded too quickly for the company to be retired or to receive assistance from the Regiment. Well, as it was, no harm came of it for the company held the ford unassailable.

If, in the heart of Mis' Abby Winslow, where the plan had originated, it had originated side by side with the thought that the point of the plan was the incidence of Christmas Eve, she kept her belief secret. The open argument was unassailable, and she contented herself with that. Even Simeon Buck, confronted with it, was silent.

The sunlight went at the beginning of May, gradually leaving them with those peculiar drawn-out half lights, which we all grew to know so well the whimpering purple clouds, the sad-looking hills, and the desolate ice slopes and snow drifts the six men were imprisoned with sullen hills and unassailable mountains for jailers, until they had undergone their sentence the sea their chief jailer, for the sea had set them there and it was for the sea to decide on the time of their release.

None could doubt this who, like myself, had heard her with delight describe the patriarchal manners of the House of Lorraine. She was accustomed to say that, by transplanting their manners into Austria, the Princes of that house had laid the foundation of the unassailable popularity enjoyed by the imperial family.

His real work was that of dramatic critic to a leading ministerial journal, in which he also wrote articles inspired by the ministers, a very well understood, clearly defined, and quite unassailable position. Du Bruel was not lacking in those diplomatic little tricks which go so far to conciliate general good-will.

She was with him when he met Challoner, who looked very frail and forlorn. "It's a comfort to see you back, Dick; you are all I have now," he said, and went on with a break in his voice: "After all, it was a good end my boy made a very daring thing! The place was supposed to be unassailable by such a force as he had, but he stormed it.