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The father's chair is there in the wonted corner; he himself we must call him the old man now, though his head shows few white honors wears a calmness and a trust that light the failing eye. Nelly is not away; Nelly is a wife; and the husband yonder, as you may have dreamed, your old friend Frank. Her eye is joyous; her kindness to you is unabated; her care for you is quicker and wiser.

The unjust distribution of wealth must be obviously an evil to those who are not prosperous, and they are nine tenths of the population. Nevertheless it continues unabated. The tyranny of the holders of power is a source of needless suffering and misfortune to very large sections of mankind; but power remains in few hands, and tends, if anything, to grow more concentrated.

He was close upon third base and going with unabated speed. He kicked the bag -then a warning cry told him that right field had the ball. A swift look over his shoulder, and Prendergast fell back upon third just before the ball dropped into the third baseman's hands. "Safe on third!" came the umpire's announcement. The ball arched over to Dick Prescott.

It was counterattacked and driven back to its point of departure, which was then carried and held by Italian troops. East of Plava the Italians extended their occupation on Hill 363. The struggle which had now been raging for almost a fortnight continued with unabated strength.

The regrettable thing was that it should have reached this stage when it was unwittingly presented to the Divisional General. "Gangway!" he roared, as the hilarity remained unabated: "gangway!" He elbowed his way through the suddenly silent throng and confronted the special runner. "Now, my man, tell me what is all this tommy rot about?"

I don't know what we shall do." Mrs. Brinkley read the letter in her own room. "You go down," she said to her husband, with unabated ferocity; "and telegraph Dan Mavering at Wormley's not to came. Say we're going away at once." Then she sent Mrs. Pasmer a slip of paper on which she had written, "Not coming."

The people paid no attention to these sneering remarks. The painful uncertainty, the anxious excitement continued unabated, and everybody made surmises concerning the contents of the wagons.

Hateful as the statesman had been made by an organized system of calumny, which was continued with unabated vigour and increased venom sine he had been imprisoned, there was enough of justice and of gratitude left in the hearts of Netherlanders to resent the tyranny practised against their greatest man, and the obloquy thus brought against a nation always devoted to their liberties and laws.

The position and flags of the two fleets were now clearly seen, for it was almost as light as day, and the fight went on with unabated fury until about ten o'clock, when, with a terrific explosion, the L'Orient blew up.

And so the issue only made it apparent to an astonished world that instead of one there were now two Englands, alike prepared to work with might and main toward the political regeneration of mankind. Let us consider now to what conclusions the rapidity and unabated steadiness of the increase of the English race in America must lead us as we go on to forecast the future.