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It looked ugly, and the old oak beams and piles were moist, and nearly covered with moss; but I stepped out, and reached the little platform through which the upright post ran, and turned round to look for my companion, who was by my side directly after. "There," he said; "there isn't too much room." "Shall I go and fish from the bank?" I said. "Oh no, we'll manage.

"I wish that the gentleman would be good enough to take himself off, then," answered Tom, "or he may be playing us a scurvy trick, by sending our craft on some of the ugly reefs which abound hereabouts." "We'll be after keeping a bright look-out for that, sir," said Tim. "We may be on a reef before we can see it," observed Tom.

"Far be it from me to deny you an accessible pleasure, though I sacrifice myself to give it. But my sketch must be merely subjective. I draw the picture as I see it." She sipped her tea with an air of considering the matter. "You promise at least a family likeness, with not an ugly wrinkle of character smoothed away." "I don't even promise that.

At first he could not see any keyhole, but after a careful search he found one hidden in the carving, and the golden key just fitted it; so the Prince gave it a vigorous turn and the doors flew open. Ugly and old as the cabinet was outside, nothing could have been more rich and beautiful than what met the Prince's astonished eyes.

Then one hand went back into the muff red with the grasp he gave it, and the other to its old place on his arm with a confiding gesture, as if it had a right there. "Now I feel sure of you," said Archie as they went on again, and no one the wiser for that tender transaction behind the ugly pyramid of boards.

Tell you what I'll do as soon as I'm put in charge of this case. Want to know what I'll do?" "Well?" "I'll have to set you to work on it. Ha, ha! Upon my soul, I will." "You'd better look out," menaced the red-haired man with an ugly look, "or I'll do some work on this case you'll wish I hadn't done." With this he flung himself out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Mary was standing in the middle of the nursery when they opened the door a few minutes later. She looked an ugly, cross little thing and was frowning because she was beginning to be hungry and feel disgracefully neglected. The first man who came in was a large officer she had once seen talking to her father.

The moon is shining brightly, and Juan ought to have no trouble in leading the way." "Yes; that will be an excellent idea. You think they may give as further trouble?" questioned the Professor. "They may before morning. They're getting more ugly every minute." "Everything worth while seems to happen when I am not around," protested Ned. "Good thing you weren't along," replied Stacy.

What about the cellars, where ugly things crawl and swarm, and breed, and sting? Ah, dear brethren! when my conscience says to me, 'You may do it, it is always well to go to Jesus Christ, and say to Him 'May I? 'Search me, O God, and ... see if there be any wicked way in me, and show it to me, and help me to cast it out. 'I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified.

"Ah!" exclaimed De Guiche, "you must understand that this is one of those wandering brothers, who go begging on the high road until some day a benefice falls down from Heaven on them; they are mostly foreigners Scotch, Irish or Danish. I have seen them before." "As ugly?" "No, but reasonably hideous." "What a misfortune for the wounded man to die under the hands of such a friar!"