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The printer took the letter and read it, standing, frowning and heavy. Magister Udal ate; the old man fingered his furs and, leaning far back in his mended chair, gazed at nothing. 'Let me have the maid in wedlock, Udal grunted between two bites. 'Better women have looked favourably upon me. I had a pupil in the North

Udal was suddenly on his feet with the long pasty-knife held back among the furs of his gown. 'Ignoble ... he began, but he lost his words in his trembling rage. The printer snatched at his long measuring stick. 'Down knife, he grunted, for his fury, too, made his throat catch. 'Have a care, nunkey, the young man laughed at the pair of them. 'They teach knife-thrusts in his Italian books.

It was pretended, that the bishops were part of the queen's political body; and to speak against them, was really to attack her, and was therefore felony by the statute. This was not the only iniquity to which Udal was exposed.

But of purpose I went by St. Mary's church, to go first unto Corpus Christi College, to speak with Diet and Udal, my faithful brethren and fellows in the Lord. By chance I met by the way a brother of ours, one Master Eden, fellow of Magdalen, who, as soon as he saw me, said, we were all undone, for Master Garret was returned, and was in prison. I said it was not so; he said it was.

The dark girl with a very long bust that raked back like a pigeon's, and with dark and sparkling eyes, tittered derisively at the magister and went on slowly rubbing a perfumed ointment into the skin of her throat and shoulders. 'Shall he bring his ragged doxies here too? she laughed. 'What a taradiddle is this of Cophetua and a beggar wench. The other maids all tittered derisively at Udal.

'When wolves teach conies how to play on pipes, the master printer snarled from his chest. 'The Lord Privy Seal never stood higher, Udal said. 'The match with the Cleves Lady hath gained him great honour. 'God cement it! the printer said fervently. The old man pulled at his nose and gazed at nothing. 'I am tired with this chatter of the woman from Cleves, he croaked, like a malevolent raven.

"King Harald, when in the exercise of our udal rights we bonders elected thee to be our King at the Thing held in Drontheim, we stated and traced thy descent from Odin through the Vingling dynasty, proved thy udal right to the crown, and truly thought that we had placed it on the head of one who would walk in the footsteps of his father, and respect that authority and power in virtue of which he held his own high position.

'I have enow to last me till the thaw, he said. 'I came to beg my grandfather's blessing on the first day of the year. 'Dicing ... Wenching ... the printer muttered. 'If I ask thee for no blessing, the young man said, 'it's because, uncle, thou'rt a Lutheran that can convey none. Where's Margot? This chain's for her. 'The fair Margot's locked in her chamber, Udal snickered.

He picked irritably at the fur on his gown and gazed at the carved leg of the table. 'If you will not induce Privy Seal to pull down his wall I will set the tipstaves on you. Master Udal laughed. 'I will give thy daughter ten crowns' worth of lessons in the learned tongues. 'You will receive another broken crown, magister, the younger John said moodily.

In that, when it came, there should be nothing but concord and oblivion of bitter speeches, silent loyalty, and a throne upheld, revered, and unassailable. Udal groaned lamentably when the door closed upon him: 'I shall write to make men laugh! In the vulgar tongue! I! To gain advancement! The Lady Mary's face hardly relaxed: 'Others of us take harder usage from my lord, she said.