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It had a very high wall around it, all of metal, and an archway, and a straight walk into it, just like what 'ud be leading into a gentleman's orchard, but the edges were not trimmed with box, but with red-hot metal.

Well, of course, you may say as it isn't everybody 'ud a' took her in for sevenpence, but then, as I was a-sayin', we did want somebody to help me an' 'Lizabeth, an' I don't take much to myself for what I did. 'You acted well and kindly, Mrs. Gandle, said Mrs. Ormonde. So the long story went on.

"Jake, you are a damned idiot!" he said abruptly. The foreman made no answer and the other went on. "Why can't you leave the boy alone? He's harmless; besides he's useful to me to us." "Harmless useful?" Jake laughed bitterly. "Pshaw, I guess your blindness is gettin' round your brains!" "What do you mean?" "I mean it 'ud have been better if you'd let me wipe him out. Better for us for you."

Sure it's as good as a little house of your own. You might be out under buckets of wet in it, and ne'er a tint you'd git whatever." "Ay, or, for that matter, takin' a rowl through the river there, and sorra the harm it 'ud do you wid that on," said Thady, with pride.

It stands to reason as a frivolish young chap like you can mek no count of how a man feels, or of what a man 'ud do in a like case. 'That stands to reason, does it? 'It stands to reason, answered Thistlewood. 'I suppose it stands to reason likewise that I am to stand to one side, and leave the road clear after this?

The woman's scheme of extracting blackmail flashed instantly into Alves's mind. "You foul creature," she gasped, "you know it is an abominable lie " "Think so? Well, Ducharme didn't think so when I told him, and there are others that 'ud believe it, if I should testify to it!" Alves walked to and fro, overwhelmed by the thoughts of the evil which was around her. At last she faced Mrs.

One at the Reverend Father Mulcahy's. How will we thranslate the priest?" "Faix, I doubt that will be a difficquilt business." "Upon my reputation, I agree wid you in that, especially whin he repates Latin. However, we'll see. He writes P.P. afther his name; pee-pee is what we call the turkeys wid. What 'ud you think o' two turkeys?"

It's been a drame av mine to begin my prefarmint as biship av some far-away continent or archypilago, like, an' convart slathers av haythins an' cannebals for a practice. It ud plase me imagenation to prache among corrils an' coky-nuts an' naked crachurs.

In the intense excitement of seeing Toby going through his first lesson, Maurice forgot all his cold and discomfort; he jumped to his feet, and capered about with delight; nay, at the poor dog's awkward efforts to steady himself on his hind legs, Maurice rolled on the ground with laughter. "You mustn't laugh at him," said Joe; "no dog 'ud do anythink ef he wor laughed at. There now, that's better.

"But lor bless yer! it 'ud be quiet enough anywheer about this neighbourhood at that time o' neet. However, this is wheer Bill Thomson says he see'd 'em come." He led the way amongst the disused quarries, and Byner, following, climbed on a mound, now grown over with grass and weed, and looked about him. To his town eyes the place was something novel. He had never seen the like of it before.