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They may be looked for at any time between May and November, but it is during the months of July, August, and September that they are most frequent. Early in the season the northern region feels the greatest force, but as the season advances the typhoon gradually works southward and the dangerous time at Manila is about the end of October and the beginning of November.

During that and the following day the lake threw up, upon the shore, the bodies of several unfortunate Indians who had perished. The first care of Padre Miguel was to bury the dead, and for a long time afterwards there were to be seen, in the grave-yard of Jala-Jala, crosses, with the inscription: "An unknown who died during the typhoon."

Ned's account showed that the owners were right in their conjectures as to the possibility of her having been cast on some desert shore, instead of having gone down, as was more generally believed, in a typhoon. By working night and day, we at length got the "Lily" ataunto, and we were thankful when being towed cut of harbour we found ourselves with a fair wind standing to the eastward.

I saw the forest of hands raised to catch it, heard the roaring and stamping pass through hurricanes to full typhoon; heard the song, pinned down by the faithful double-basses as the bull-dog pins down the bellowing bull, overbear even those; till at last the curtain fell and Bat took me round to her dressing-room, where she lay spent after her seventh call.

He saw the pistol in Nathaniel's hand and gave a sudden breathless cry. "Nat Nat " He caught Captain Plum's free hand in his. "Tell me this, Obadiah Price," whispered the master of the Typhoon, "who is she?" The councilor stood on tiptoe to answer. "They are the six wives of Strang, Nat!" "But the other?" demanded Nathaniel. "The other " "O, to be sure, to be sure," chuckled Obadiah.

He passed to the opposite side of the point and followed it foot by foot, but there was no sign of life, no distant flash of white that might have been the canvas of the sloop Typhoon. There was only one thing for him to do wait. So he went to his hiding-place of the day before and watched the sea with staring eyes.

Sunset at Sea. A Water-Spout. Arrival in China. Typhoon Bay. Manners and Customs. In and about Hong Kong. Public Buildings. Voyage up the Pearl River. City of Canton. Strangest of Strange Cities. Opium Dens. Temple of Honan. The Worship of Swine. Praying with a Fan. Local Peculiarities. Half Round the World. Singapore. A Tiger Hunt. Burial at Sea. Penang. The Wonderful Palm.

She was very calm, the still calm of the China Sea before a typhoon strikes it; when she had finished reading she put the report on the chair back of her and faced the President with clasped hands and a smile. "It's funny," she said, irrelevantly, "for the first time in my life I am not afraid here." And the House Surgeon muttered, under his breath: "Great guns! That mind-string has snapped."

But nevertheless he was tender-hearted as a girl. He was a raving, deafening, devastating typhoon, laying waste the cowering seas but with an unvexed refuge in the centre where all comers were safe and at rest.

She's off the map as far as I know." Jimmy's spirits ebbed like mercury in a typhoon. "And when will the next train come through?" he asked, striving to speak calmly. "The next train? That'll be a freight. It's due now from Morgan City. But you won't go on that?" "Why?" questioned Jimmy, grasping at straws. "Two reasons.