United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

T. X. took it and glanced at the typewritten address. It was marked "urgent" and "by hand." He took up the thin, steel, paper-knife from the desk and slit open the envelope. The letter consisted of three or four pages of manuscript and, unlike the envelope, it was handwritten. "My dear T. X.," it began, and the handwriting was familiar.

But they did not take in the pleasant prospect of the tall, ivy-framed casements in their mellow setting of warm red brick. He was trying to fix a mental photograph of a letter typewritten on paper of dark slatey blue which he had seen on Hartley Parrish's desk in the library at Harkings on the previous afternoon. Prompted by Bruce Wright, he could now recall the heading clearly.

"And probably the colonel has never yet seen this typewritten document?" "Probably," replied the Minister of War, with a mysterious smile. "There have been such cases. I have fixed the court martial for next Thursday, and I assure you it will be difficult for the colonel to prove his innocence!"

In like manner, if it becomes necessary to determine where a typewritten document was prepared the letters may be magnified, and by examining the ribbons of suspected machines the desired fact may be ascertained. The magnifying glass still plays an important part in detecting crime, although usually in ways little suspected by the general public.

No one having called for it, the letter was returned to the chemical company. At their office it was opened and found to contain a typewritten letter in the German language and five ten-pound notes on the Bank of England. The contents of the letter, was such as to lead the firm to call in the police.

At ten thirty the door opened and Harrigan, accompanied by Frank, came in. Seeing Sam they stopped, looking at him uncertainly, and at the man at work at the desk. "Well, speak up. This is no ladies' reception room. What do you fellows want?" snapped The Skipper, glaring at them. Frank, coming forward, laid a typewritten sheet on the desk, which the newspaper man read hurriedly.

"This case is going to be interesting, all right and for several persons." Farland had noticed particularly the typewritten notes that had been received by the clothing merchant and the barber. There were two certain keys that were battered in a peculiar manner, and another key that was out of alignment.

So Siward, stripped to his pajamas, pored over reams of typewritten matter and took his brief walking exercise in the comparative cool of the evening and drove when he dared use his horses; or, sitting beside Plank, whizzed northward through the starry darkness of the suburbs. When it was that he first began to like Plank very much he could not exactly remember.

Thus it was that, until the previous midnight, he had been preparing the collection for publication, revising, annotating, arranging. The book was to be sent off that morning. But also Presley had received a typewritten note from Annixter, inviting him to Quien Sabe that same day.

He lost the sense of his surroundings until she stood beside him holding the typewritten pages. He did not glance up, but seized the sheets to read and sign. "You may go," said he. "I am very much obliged to you." And he contrived, as always, to put a suggestion of genuineness into the customary phrase. "I'm afraid it's not good work," said she. "I'll wait to see if I am to do any of it over."