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He did not tell her that there had been times when, to keep their compact, they had gone without altogether, when Christine had fainted over her typewriter and he had watched her from out of a horrible, quivering mist too sick with hunger to help, or even to care much. He did not want Francey to be sorry for him. "And the tips?" she asked, with grave concern. "I hope we played the game.

Nights, Sundays and holidays I plugged and slogged, nor did I relent even when vacation time came round. I sojourned to the Michigan pine woods, but took along my typewriter and kept it singing half of every day. The new year found me in New York again, alone this time and installed in a comfortable two-room suite instead of an attic.

From his first glance at Barbara one could have seen that the monkey was hers truly, as they say at the end of letters. I knew as he bolted out that he felt something very special ought to be dug up for such a visitor. The girl had shed coat and hat and was already fingering the keys of the typewriter, trying their touch.

I know a g a lady, I should say, who is intelligence and accuracy combined, and who might take it. She has done much work for me, and I know her worth." "Would she come for sixty dollars, do you suppose?" "I will ask her," said Forrest, guardedly. He well knew how glad his hard-working typewriter would be to have so permanent and pleasant a station.

Brownwell left the room, "how old are you? I keep forgetting." When the young man answered twenty-five, Barclay, who was putting away the tintype picture, said, "And Jeanette will be twenty-three at her next birthday." He closed the desk and looked at the youth bending over his typewriter and sighed. "Been going together off and on five or six years I should say." Neal nodded.

He assured her that she was fortunate in having a living spring so near the house. It was, he said, of incalculable importance in that country to have cold, pure water always at hand. When he discovered that she was a stenographer, and that she had her typewriter with her, he was immensely pleased, so pleased that his eyes shone with delight.

"Now, look here," Miss Feldman would snap Miss Feldman of the outer office typewriter "look here, you kid. Any more of that bird warbling and you go back to the woods where you belong. This ain't a a " "Aviary," suggested Wallie, almost shyly. Miss Feldman glared. "How did you know that word?" "I don't know," helplessly. "But it's the word, isn't it?" Miss Feldman turned back to her typewriter.

In the same way, the beginner on the typewriter finds it difficult to compose to the machine, while the experienced typist finds the mechanical movements no hindrance whatever to the flow of thought and focusing of Attention; in fact, many find that they can compose much better while using the typewriter than they can by dictating to a stenographer. We think you will see the principle.

He skipped through the book so close to complete failure that he hurled it across the room, and cried in anger because he had not the strength to throw the typewriter after it. Throw the machine? He had not the strength in his pinky to press the carriage-shift key! Part of his difficulty was the size of his hands, of course.

She drew in her lips and gazed at him resentfully; then, sitting down at her typewriter, she thought for a minute and rattled off a single sentence. Rimrock took the paper and signed it blindly, then stopped and read what it was. "Yes, all right," he said. "You'll get your stock just as soon as I get it from the East. And now I hope, by the Lord, you're satisfied."