United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I'd go down south into Texas and I'd buy me a bunch uh two-year-olds and bring 'em up here, and turn 'em loose on the best piece of open range I know and I know a peach.

Two or three of the more worldly-minded ones will perhaps stroll over to a neighbor's barnyard, and take a look at his young stock, and talk of prices, and whittle a little; and very likely some two of them will make a conditional "swop" of "three likely ye'rlings" for a pair of "two-year-olds."

Then the old man put his hand on the buffalo chip and said to Sun's Road, "Did you see bulls?" And Sun's Road answered, "I saw them." The old man pulled in the chip a little way toward himself. "Did you see cows?" "I saw them." The chief moved the chip a little further toward himself. "Did you see two-year-olds?" "I saw them." Standing Water moved the chip a little further toward himself.

His object in making these remarks was to call attention to what was impending in order that some steps might be taken to foster the horse-breeding industry. As far as a continuance of interest in race-horses is concerned, the Duke had at the commencement of the season 1906 twenty-one horses in training with W. Waugh at Kingsclere, including thirteen two-year-olds.

It presented a beautiful and pleasing picture. A sense of homeliness was given by a number of Alderney cattle and young hunters grazing in the park on both sides of the avenue. Beechcroft had a reputation in metropolitan sale-rings. Its two-year-olds were always in demand. "We will leave the conveyance here," announced Brett "I prefer to walk to the house."

The girl had stepped down from the train, and, without casting a glance behind her, walked swiftly across the wriggling thing which stood for a street in Indian Creek. There was a saloon with a long hitching-pole in front of it, to which a couple of saddle-horses were tied, and a buckboard with two fretting two-year-olds in dust-covered harness.

"Well, I'm damned if that wasn't slick; he give me the straight tip to leave Porter to him to let him do the plannin'; I see." Porter was an easy man with his horses. Though he could not afford, because of his needs, to work out his theory that two-year-olds should not be raced, yet he utilized it as far as possible by running them at longer intervals than was general.

One afternoon several score cattle were driven into a big square corral near the house, in order to brand the calves and a number of unbranded yearlings and two-year-olds. A special element of excitement was added by the presence of a dozen big bulls which were to be turned into draught-oxen. The agility, nerve, and prowess of the ranch workmen, the herders or gauchos, were noteworthy.

Jack, having "roped all the two-year-olds" in that first lesson, spent all evening handling them, and the Quarters looked on as he tested their tempers, for although most proved willing, yet a few were tricky or obstinate.

It seemed to Billy that there was an anxious note in his voice. "Your letters were too few and too brief to keep me perfectly informed of your movements." "Why, everything was lovely at my end uh the trail, Dilly only I fell down on them four thousand two-year-olds. Parts uh the country was quarantined for scab, and I went way around them places.