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She was clad in a riding-habit of ruby brocaded velvet, with jacket to match, had a cloud of lace round her throat, and an Alpine hat with cock's feather poised on her well-set head. She might serve as the model for a Spanish Ann Chute. Bracelets on her plump wrists and rings on her taper fingers caught the sunshine as she occasionally twirled her cutting-whip.

The Honorable Mr. Tickels drew from his well-filled wallet a bank-note for the amount named, and handed it to the Corporal, who regarded it with a curious smile, and twirled it in his fingers. His smile may have been one of gratification at receiving the money but it looked very much like a sneer of contempt for the donor and his bribe.

I waved my hand toward that ship of three hundred tons, then twirled my mustaches and stood at gaze. "Was your ship so large, then?" demanded Paradise, while a murmur of admiration, larded with oaths, ran around the circle. "She was a very great galleon," I replied, with a sigh for the good ship that was gone. A moment's silence, during which they all looked at me.

As they danced among the orchard trees, and down the groves of stems and back again, and twirled each other lightly round and round, the influence of their airy motion seemed to spread and spread, in the sun-lighted scene, like an expanding circle in the water.

And then he twirled all that he could twirl of that incipient moustache. "By no means," said Graham. "Oh, very well," said Fitzallen. "Then we understand that the arena of love is open to us both. I do not fail to appreciate the immense advantages which you enjoy in this struggle." And then Fitzallen looked up into Graham's ugly face, and thought of his own appearance in the looking-glass.

Gryce lifted his hand, and softly twirled the tassel of the window curtain. "And you still persist?" She absolutely disdained to reply. The coroner did not press it further. It had now become evident to all, that Eleanore Leavenworth not only stood on her defence, but was perfectly aware of her position, and prepared to maintain it.

In its function of medicine, the strong draught revived her, giving a twist to her pretty features, and sending a lively shudder through her slender frame. Pet rose from her seat quite briskly. "Now to bed. To bed at once. No delay. And mind you put on all the blankets, and your heavy shawl a-top of them." "Yes, father." Marcus blushed, twirled his hat, and made a motion toward the door.

The beauty-parlour methods were not yet known in Cedar Mountain. Jim always dropped in for a chat in the morning and it was not long before his cheery whistle sounded as down the street he came to the tune of "Merry Bandon Town." In his right hand he twirled a stout stick in a way that suggested a very practical knowledge of the shillelah.

Within two minutes he had learned all he needed to know, and standing back twirled the knob right and left with a confident hand. At its fourth stop he heard the dull bump of released tumblers, grasped the handle, and twisted it strongly. The door swung open.

She upped an' she oped it, and there were the little oo'd thing, with five skeins of flax on his arm. "Here te be," says he, an' he gonned it to her. "Now, what's my name?" says he. "What, is that Bill?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he. An' he twirled his tail. "Is that Ned?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he. An' he twirled his tail. "Well, is that Mark?" says she.