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And Fil, who was sitting at the piano, twirled round on the stool and strummed "Beautiful K K Katie" with a lack of technique that probably would have brought her teacher's temper up to bubbling-over point had he been there to listen to her. It was exactly ten days after the term had begun that Bess Haselford came to the College.

The man twisted and twirled at the mill to get it to stop, but for all his fiddling and fumbling the mill went on grinding, and in a little while the broth rose so high that the man was nearly drowning.

As fortune's wheel had twirled, I had my life, to be sure; but by the having of it was made the basest traitor to my friend to Jennifer, and no whit less to Margery. 'Twas out of any thought that I should take the field against the common enemy, leaving this tangled web of mystery and misery behind.

Ever and again the tempest snatched little whiffs from the channelled edges, twirled them round and made them dance over the chime of the monster pile, then let them lie like herring-bones, or the seams of sand where the tide has been.

He was black and drenched and streaked with sweat; also, he shone with the grease and oils of the engines, while the palms of his hands were covered with painful blisters from unwonted, intimate contact with shovels and drawbars. It was seen that he winced fearfully as the cowboy twirled the rope end. ""He's got the makin's of a fair fireman," said the stranger, "'all he wants is practice."

He sat back, looked admiringly at Jeroloman, clasped his hands and twirled his thumbs. Jeroloman, annoyed at the attitude and in haste to be going, pursed his thin lips. "Well, sir?" With an affability that was as unusual as it was suspicious, Dunwoodie smiled at him. "Your objection is well taken.

Sit down," said Lincott genially. "You look bad." Helling, in fact, was gaunt with famine; his eyes were sunk and dull; he was so thin that he seemed to have grown in height. "I had some trouble in finding a ship," he said; and sitting down on the edge of the chair, twirled his hat in some embarrassment. "It is three weeks since you left the hospital?" "Yes."

I was riding away, smitten with shame.—Day was just dawning; suddenly I beheld him and recognised him; he stepped out on the balcony and his diamond buckle glittered in the sun; proudly he twirled his mustache and proudly gazed around; and it seemed to me that he mocked at me above all others, that he had recognised me and that thus he pointed his hand at me, scoffing and threatening,—I seized a carbine from a Muscovite; I barely raised it to my shoulder, scarcely aimedit went off!

This ride on and of the world in forty rotations around the sun, which had changed him both physically and mentally since his birth, seemed to him now as meaningless as a pail of water being twirled around forty times in centrifugal force. The Earth had bore him as another product cursorily begotten on an assembly line.

They shrugged their shoulders, twirled their moustaches, but said nothing, quickly following their hosts into the cabin. Their eyes could not help brightening up when they saw the good dinner spread before them, for such will, with few exceptions, touch the hearts of mortals of all nations.