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"No," said her companion; "it's distinctly natural just what one would have expected. You wrote the man in Canada soon after you'd seen the specialist, and his answer was bound to arrive in the next few days." "But I certainly didn't write the folks at the Grange." Winifred's eyes twinkled. "As it happens, I did, two days ago.

The snow, beaten hard, was blue in the dusk; a day of blinding sunlight had not even started a thaw. The lights of the city twinkled pale below him in the quivering violet air, and the dome of the State House behind him was still red with the light from the west. Before he got into his car, the doctor paused to look about him at the scene of which he never tired.

In court he could not always refrain from jocularity. For instance, when he tried Jane Wenham for witch-craft, and she assured him that she could fly, his eye twinkled as he answered, "Well, then you may; there is no law against flying."

My mother looked at him sharply; then her eyes twinkled, and she hid a smile behind her hand. "'Twould be a good thing t' have it grow," the old man continued. "'Twould be far better than than well, now makin' it the way they does. Ecod!" he concluded, letting his glance fall in bewilderment on the ground, "I wonders how they does make flour.

He looked at his watch and turned his eyes to Kitson. "I presume Miss Cresswell is bored and has retired for the night," he said. "I'll find out in a moment," said Kitson. "Did you speak to her?" Beale nodded, and his eyes twinkled. "Did you make any progress?" "I broke the sad news to her, if that's what you mean." "You told her she was married to you? Good heavens! What did she say?"

It was late when they rode down into the valley of the Platte. Below them twinkled hundreds of little fires of the white nation, feasting. Above, myriad stars shone in a sky unbelievably clear. On every hand rose the roaring howls of the great gray wolves, also feasting now; the lesser chorus of yapping coyotes. The savage night of the Plains was on.

"By all means! I never dip into books, nor peek at the ending. I don't think it's fair to the author." "Then I will, indeed, begin at the beginning," smiled Arkwright, "for I'm specially anxious that you shall be even more than 'fair' to me." His voice shook a little, but he hurried on. "There's a girl in it; a very dear, lovely girl." "Of course if it's a nice story," twinkled Billy.

By now I could hardly make out distant objects; the field showed dimly white around; beyond it rose up a sullen darkness, which seemed moving up closer in huge masses every instant. My steps gave a muffled sound in the air, that grew colder and colder. The pale sky began again to grow blue but it was the blue of night. The tiny stars glimmered and twinkled in it.

"Well, that, too, is possible. Being more or less optimistic, we'll hope that if I do stay it will be for good. I'm thinking of living here." His companion turned around on the seat to stare at him. "Livin' here!" he repeated. "You? What on earth ? What are you goin' to do?" The passenger's eyes twinkled, but his tone was solemn enough. "Nothing, very likely," he replied.

The ice was pushing and grinding against the pier-heads, and through the falling snow the tall buildings in New York twinkled with thousands of electric lights, like great Christmas-trees. At one wharf a steamer of the Red D line, just in from La Guayra, was making fast, and I guiltily crept on board.