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By'r lay'kin, 'twill not stick i' my old pate how that thou hast not been in these parts since my Keren could 'a' walked under a blackberry-bramble without so much as tousling her tresses. Well, a grew up a likely lass, I can tell thee! Sure thou mindest why we my wife and I did come to call her Keren? Go to! Thou dost! 'Tis the jest o' th' place to this day.

But I have hated the Normans who came here to steal our land, and have helped my people to harass them in years gone by. All but you and Sir Hugh l'Estrange, they have despoiled and plagued the folk. But build no wall above the stream, for 'twill fall 'twill fall 'twill fall. The waters will pull it down." The knight sat thinking, his hands on the arms of his tall carved chair.

On his account, the wrath of Allah for sake of him of wrath God on men descends, And is fain, by his grace, the rains fall And for the grace of him shall down on wood and lea. fall the rain; And if he pray one day to do And if he pray one day for plague away a plague, The oppressor's to stay, slain and men from 'Twill stay, and 'bate man's tyrants are made free; wrong and tyrants slay.

I told an old labourer that my little daughter considered him a great friend of hers. He looked puzzled, and replied: "Well, I don't know as I ever gave her anything." They still distinguish between two words now carrying the same meaning. I told a man that I was afraid some work he had for me would give him a lot of trouble. He corrected me: "'Twill be no trouble, master, only labour."

"Well, Paul and I found the liberty tree," said Mr. Weston, "and I cut it down and trimmed it save for its green plume. Paul is towing it downstream now; and when we set it up 'twill be a credit to the town." Lucia rose quickly. "I must be going home," she said, a little flush coming into her cheeks.

When he gets these breeches made, cried my father in a higher tone, he'll look like a beast in 'em. He will be very awkward in them at first, replied my mother. And 'twill be lucky, if that's the worst on't, added my father. It will be very lucky, answered my mother. I suppose, replied my father, making some pause first, he'll be exactly like other people's children. Exactly, said my mother.

"And their lot will be mine," observed the maiden mournfully. "Happy were they who met death on the block! I am so young and so strong. 'Twill be long ere the tomb claims me. And to look forward to all those years oh, 'tis hard, hard!" She paused for a time, and then went on pathetically: "I dreamed of the fens and the wildwood last night, mistress.

She has shown more good sense than I expected, although she has rarely ever spoken more than a single word, and at first came the delicate over us. Now she rubs down a mule like a groom. She has had a slight fever for the last few days; but 'twill pass off one way or the other.

His habit is to take up a manuscript, and presently to express, with the aid of strange oaths and ejaculations, wonder and imagination. ''Fore Gad, madam! he says, ''tis fine! 'Twill take the town by storm! 'Tis an immortal piece! Your own, madam? Truly 'tis wonderful! Nay, madam, but I must have it.

Joan hesitated with the question on her lips, and at last she almost threw it at her husband. "What did you hear about young Mr. Tresham?" "I asked no questions about him. People do say that he will have to go to honest work now. 'Twill do him no harm, I'm sure." "Honest work will be nothing strange to him, father. He has been in a great many offices.