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"If not, why did you insist on my twice asking you to call on me?" "I did not want to call on you without being sure that you really wished to have me." "Then why wouldn't you stay and dine at Saratoga?" "Because my ticket wouldn't have been good." "But a new ticket would only cost seven dollars." "In my neighborhood, we don't say 'only seven dollars."

The column disappeared as if it had been swept bodily from off the face of the earth. The recumbent men sprang to their feet with a bound and charged the scattered Bavarians with the bayonet, driving them and making the rout complete. Twice the maneuver was repeated, each time with the same success.

That Saturday night I found myself, as I had once or twice found myself before, entirely unprepared to preach. I did not feel anxious, because I did not feel that I was to blame: I had been so much occupied. I had again and again turned my thoughts thitherward, but nothing recommended itself to me so that I could say "I must take that;" nothing said plainly, "This is what you have to speak of."

Once or twice Dr Thorne had thought that the great original strength of his patient would have enabled him to fight against death for a somewhat longer period; but Sir Roger would give himself no chance.

Up to yesterday morning twelve physicians and surgeons and twice that number of nurses had volunteered to assist the regular staff of the American Hospital in the work of caring for wounded French soldiers.

No Woman without Vizard in the Nation Can see it twice, and keep her reputation That's certain, Forgetting That he himself, in every gross Lampoon, Her leuder Secrets spread about the Town; Whilst their feign'd Niceness is but cautious Fear, Their own Intrigues should be unravel'd here. Our next Recourse was dwindling down to Farce, Then Zounds, what Stuff's here?

Delamayn again. The head just above his face, and the finger pointing downward at his throat. Twice behind this one man. And never twice behind any other living creature till now. If I see IT a third time behind him Lord deliver me! Christ deliver me! I daren't think of it. He shall leave my cottage to-morrow.

Maybe she had sail on to help her steam. Some of 'em do." "And you saw her for a short time only!" "Yes, sir, not half a minute nor half that even. There wasn't time to say 'Jack Robinson' twice, sir, before she was out of sight." "Well, if she came in she can get out, and so can we, Ben. Keep this quiet till I speak to the captain about it.

The face of the old man became mottled with a sudden fear, but he jerked it forward once or twice with an effort at self-control. Presently he steadied to the ordeal of suspense, while he kept saying to himself, "What does he know what which?" "Malpractice resulting in death that was poor Jimmy Tearle; and something else resulting in death that was the switchman's wife.

The captain was, every now and then, interrupted by questions and remarks, which I have not mentioned, lest I should break the continuity of the tale. He was a little disturbed, also, once or twice, by the general, who fell asleep, and breathed rather hard, to the great horror and annoyance of Lady Lillycraft.