United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the meantime, the protestations and tears of Joshua had convinced everybody that the horrible gash was merely the effect of accident, for the ship was rolling a great deal at the moment. What the captain and his guests were doing in the cabin above with the turtle-soup, it is needless for me to state, for that same soup was never fated to gladden the wounded lip of Mr Pigtop.

Tortoises are broadly divided into three species, namely, land tortoises; fresh water tortoises, of which there are no less than forty-six varieties; and marine tortoises, well known to the citizens of London, in the shape of turtle-soup. The land tortoises subsist on vegetables, and are said to live occasionally more than two hundred years.

Yes, you can get the Gallipagos turtle; it makes tolerable soup, but has not the green fat, which, in my opinion, is the most important feature in turtle-soup. Shops? You can't buy a pair of scissors on the island, nor a baby's bottle; broke mine the other day, and tried to replace it; couldn't. Society? There are lots of people to call upon you, and bore you to death with returning their visits."

Altogether I cannot complain, but the insects were voracious, even until last night when the turtle-soup and champagne ought to have made me sleep like a top. But I have done a monstrous sight of work here notwithstanding the indolence of this last week, which must and shall be amended. "So good-by, Mrs.

"To judge by his expression, the man seems ambitious of 'les succes de salon, also. Where did he import his manners from, I wonder? they have a sort of bright, new look, as if he had not yet worn the gloss off." "Don't laugh at him; he gives excellent dinners." "Does he? Can't you introduce me, immediately? 'Ici l'ont fait noces et festins. I seem to smell the turtle-soup, already."

Nor did Dobbin try and convince him that Amelia's happiness was not centred in turtle-soup. A while after dinner, Amelia timidly expressed a wish to go and see her mamma, at Fulham: which permission George granted her with some grumbling.

The doctor, seeing their eagerness, warned us to take care that they did not eat too much at a time; and, to prevent their doing so, assisted in serving out a small share only to each. To the invalids and children he only gave at first a few spoonfuls of turtle-soup; but that had a great effect in reviving them.

But he can make turtle-soup when we catch a turtle, and I'll back him against any cook in the British Navy to make a good cup of coffee." "That will do," said Brace. "Frizzle a rasher o' bacon." "So will that." "And make bread cakes." "Why, Brace, we shall be in clover," said Sir Humphrey, laughing. "But he has his faults, sir," said the captain solemnly.

Tommy stole away out of the tent, while Mr Seagrave was reading a sermon, to have a peep at the turtle-soup, which was boiling on the fire; however, Juno suspected him, and had hold of him just as he was taking the lid off the pot. He was well scolded, and very much frightened lest he should have no soup for his dinner; however, as it was not a very heavy offence, he was forgiven.

When I remember that I was once an apprentice at a pastry-cook's when I think of the gallons of turtle-soup that this hand has stirred up in a jolly hot kitchen and when I find myself mixing bones and hot water for soup, and turning into ice as fast as I can; if I wasn't of a cheerful disposition I should feel inclined to grumble. John Want!